OTA Oregon Truck Dispatch Issue 4, 2024

6 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch EVENTS 6 OTA HOSTED ITS 73rd Annual Leadership Convention & Exhibition in Bend from August 19–21, bringing together carrier members, allied partners, and speakers representing a variety of important perspectives and topics. Those who were able to arrive in Bend a day early had the opportunity to participate in a golf tournament fundraiser benefitting OTA’s legal fund, as well as to join association committee meetings. OTA was pleased to have a representative from the No on Measure 118 campaign on hand to talk about the significant impact the measure could have on our industry, as well as how OTA’s members could help support the campaign. Day one of the convention began with a panel of experts including Mike Tunnell, Sr. Director of Environmental Affairs from ATRI, Steve Gordon, Principal with Gordon Truck Centers, Dave Laird, President with Papé Kenworth, and Chris Thompson, Vice President of Truck Sales at TEC Equipment. The panel discussed new regulations and how they will limit truck sales and how dealers are addressing the coming challenges. Joint Transportation Committee Chairs Senator Chris Gorsek and Representative Susan McLain spoke with attendees in the afternoon about the upcoming transportation package and other legislative issues that they anticipate coming up in the 2025 session that will impact trucking. OTA was grateful to both Sen. Gorsek and Rep. McLain for taking the time to attend the meeting in Bend. In the evening, those who attended the TruckPAC dinner had the opportunity to hear from longtime political reporter for Willamette Week, Nigel Jaquiss, who spoke with the group about the current political landscape in Oregon and what he sees for the state going forward. Day two included a lively discussion with former State Senator Betsy Johnson and attorney and Oregon Roundup author Jeff Eager, who shared their always colorful perspectives on what they believe Oregon’s future looks like. Attendees also officially approved at the convention new members of the OTA board of directors, as well as new leadership, including newly elected Board Chair Erik Zander of Omega Morgan. After thanking immediate past chair Evan Oneto of FedEx for his years of service, Erik spoke to the group about his vision for OTA and Oregon’s trucking industry, emphasizing his commitment to the association and its membership. Finally, OTA recognized annual award winners. Ram Trucking was honored as OTA’s Carrier Member of the Year, while Papé Kenworth received the Allied Member OTA Members Gather in Bend for Annual Leadership Convention & Exhibition By Jennifer Sitton | OTA Communications Consultant