www.ortrucking.org 3 Issue 4 | 2024 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair Erik Zander (Omega Morgan) Vice Chair Nick Card (Blackwell Consolidation) Secretary/Treasurer Bart Sherman (Sherman Bros. Trucking) ATA State VP Andy Owens (A&M Transport) Past Chair Evan Oneto (FedEx) ISI Rep Diane DeAutremont (Lile Int. Co.) Chair Appointee Ron Riddle (Leavitt’s Freight Service) DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE Greg Galbraith (Market Express) Paul Graves (Oak Harbor) Heather Hayes (Tradewinds Trans.) David Hopkins (TP Trucking) Charles Ireland (Ireland Trucking) Eric Lourenco (Knife River) Regional Representatives Central Oregon Ron Cholin (Stinger Transport) Eastern Oregon Roni Shaw (Bowman Trucking) Metro Region Tim Love (Carson Oil Co.) Southern Oregon Ryan Hutchens (F.V. Martin Trucking) Willamette Valley Dale Latimer (Ram Trucking) COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Safety Management Council (SMC) Jennifer King (WHA Insurance) Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Nicole Hawks-Morse (Kool PAK) Standing Committee Representatives Allied Trevin Fountain (Cummins) Government Affairs John Barnes (TEC Equipment) Highway Policy Kirk Watkins (Walmart) Image Michael Card (Combined Transport) Membership Evan Oneto (FedEx) Oregon TruckPAC Nick Card (Blackwell Consolidation) OTA in Action Mark Gibson (Siskiyou Transportation) Workforce Billy Dover (Tyree Oil) COMMITTEES Allied Government Affairs Highway Policy Image Membership Oregon TruckPAC OTA in Action Workforce To learn more about the committees or councils listed above, contact OTA at [email protected] or 503.513.0005. 2024/2025 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OTA Welcomes the Following New Members! All members are listed in our online directory via the member portal. Fisher Roofing and Construction Forslund Crane Service, Inc. Landboat Moving Live Junkless Milann Farms, Inc. Pacific Truck Colors Inc. Pomp’s Tire and Service For those that were at the OTA Annual Conference, this important work of adding additional value for our members has already started with the new Saif (workers’ comp) discount that you will receive if you are an OTA member in good standing, meeting all requirements. It literally pays to be part of this organization! Next, we need to make sure we win the battles I referenced above. For years, we have been paying more than our fair share of taxes (weight-mile) in this industry, and the state needs to fix this. We have gotten their attention through the lawsuit we filed against the state of Oregon several months ago, but we need to see this through; we must not only fix the sins of the past but also make sure they don’t happen in the future. I believe there is an opportunity to leverage our overpayment to make sure the industry is represented well in the upcoming transportation package which will be a major focus of the 2025 Legislative Session. Finally, we need to make sure our members in the state of Oregon can purchase a truck in 2025 and in coming years. There are rules being developed this very moment around vehicle emissions that will be devastating if we cannot come to a more workable solution with decisionmakers. Jana and our lobby team have been working hard to get the attention of the state, starting at the top, to understand what this regulation will do to our industry. I hope to share some positive news with you regarding this issue in the months ahead. I am extremely excited for the opportunity to serve you all in the coming years. If you need anything, please feel free to reach out to me, because you can be certain I will be reaching out to you! Erik