23 www.ortrucking.org Issue 1 | 2024 However, Erik emphasizes that one of the biggest benefits of the OTA is the role the association plays in advocating for the industry at the local, state, and federal level. “To have someone who’s looking out for you on a daily basis with a relatively small investment is huge,” said Erik. “Just one example is the standing meeting we have every quarter with ODOT leadership. How many other organizations get to talk to the director of ODOT once a quarter and say this is what’s going on, this is what I need help with, why are you doing that? That type of access is incredible.” Erik also encouraged members to get involved with the OTA’s advocacy work in Salem or to take advantage of the expertise and relationships the association offers. “You can go further and go to Trucking Day at the Capitol and spend time with elected officials or you can call Jana and say, ‘I have this problem can you help me’ and she has relationships with the people who typically can help, and I don’t think all of our members always know that.” Erik says he hopes more members will get involved in the OTA’s advocacy work in whatever way they can, whether it’s attending an event in Salem or making a relatively small investment in something like the TruckPAC that could lead to real change for the industry. As current Vice-Chair of the OTA Board of Directors, Erik knows that the challenges facing the trucking industry can sometimes feel insurmountable, but he also knows that the work OTA is doing behind the scenes every day on behalf of the industry is invaluable. “From a trucking perspective, you probably have a lot of friends that some other associations may or may not have,” said Erik. “I hope more people will get involved to see just how much is being done for our industry on a daily basis.”