A publication of the Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. 4005 SE Naef Rd., Portland, OR 97267 503.513.0005 • 888.293.0005 Fax: 503.513.0008 • Jana Jarvis President/CEO [email protected] Christine Logue Vice President of Operations [email protected] Gregg Dal Ponte Director of Regulatory Compliance [email protected] Adam Williamson Director of Training & Development [email protected] Ligia Visan Director of Accounting [email protected] Christa Wendland Communications Consultant [email protected] Jennifer Sitton Communications Consultant [email protected] Mark Gibson Government Relations Policy Advisor [email protected] For information about OTA events and to register online, visit Published for OTA by LLM Publications PO Box 25120, Portland, OR 97298-0120 503.445.2220 • 800.647.1511 • President Stephen Bloss Design Hope Sudol Advertising Sales Ronnie Jacko For information about advertising in the Oregon Truck Dispatch, please contact Ronnie Jacko at 503.445.2234 or [email protected]. Thank you, advertisers! Your support makes this publication possible. Please support them and tell them you saw them in the OTA Dispatch. 2 OTA Chair’s Message 3 OTA New Members 4 OTA President’s Message 5 Event Calendar Issue 2 2023 CONTENTS Stay Connected With Us @OTAOregon Oregon Trucking Association @ORTrucking Events 6 OTA Spotlights Safety at the Spring Safety Conference 1 0 Congratulations Northwest Fleet Safety Graduates 1 2 Join OTA for the Oregon Truck Driving Championships on June 10 1 4 2023 Trucking Day at the Capitol Featured 1 8 What’s Happening in HR in 2023? 22 Membership Committee Sets Sights on Annual Convention 2 6 Trucking Moves Oregon’s Economy 2 7 In Remembrance: Charles R. Every 2 8 Membership Feature: Types of Trucking Safety 34 Work Zone Safety & Truck Drivers
Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch FOR OVER 100 years, the trucking industry has been moving an increasingly large share of America’s GDP. And nowhere is that truer than in the American West, where much of the economy relies on agriculture and natural resource production, and communities are frequently separated by vast distances, often only connected via remote highways. In many ways, Oregon embodies this reality, where its vast array of famous agricultural, forest, and seafood products from across the state make it to market on a truck. But so too are high-end, suburban manufacturers like Nike and Intel reliant on our industry to move their products. And let us not forget that the economy relies on our industry to provide the fuel, food, medical supplies, and housing and consumer goods for the entire workforce. Over 90% of Oregon’s manufactured tonnage is transported by trucks and nearly 77% of Oregon communities depend exclusively on trucks to move their goods. But we are not just responsible for supporting and connecting Oregon’s economy. We are a large economic contributor in our own right. An estimated 1 in 16 jobs in Oregon is in the trucking industry with an average salary above $53,000. And Oregon is where some of the household names in trucking call home. Daimler Trucks of North America, the largest truck manufacturer in the U.S., is headquartered in Portland, where it employs over 3,000 people across the state. Nationally recognized LTL carrier Reddaway was founded in 1919 in Oregon City and today remains headquartered in Tualatin, OR. And we do not just connect business to business either, but thanks to the emergence of e-commerce, increasingly we are also delivering the goods people rely on every day right to their doorstep. My own employer, FedEx, has grown to over 5,400 employees in Oregon today, much of it due to this growing trend. But why, you ask, am I telling you this? If you’re reading this, most likely you are in the trucking industry yourself and already have a pretty strong idea about our importance to the economy. Well, I bring it up for you to use as a reminder to those who aren’t reading this. Because chances are you know a policymaker in your community that doesn’t know this. That person could be a state legislator, or they could be a county commissioner or city councilmember, or a member of a local planning commission or even a civil servant that interacts with our industry. Whatever their role and whatever their knowledge level about our industry, chances are there is much more they don’t know about trucking and how much it impacts their daily life or the larger economy. Use this as an opportunity for a conversation to educate them. We have challenges before us at every level of government and on a vast array of issues. Whether it’s transportation planning and spending, taxes, climate change regulations, or labor laws, it often seems as though trucking is the first to get hit. And yet I often find that those proposing laws and regulations to make life harder for us often don’t realize the critical role we play in their everyday lives. Take for example, the issue of road funding. I think we are all aware by now of the state’s problem with funding the construction and maintenance of critical infrastructure projects throughout our state. Yet, what many policymakers may not realize is that Oregon truckers pay the highest tax rate in the nation for highway user taxes, paying 31% of all taxes owed by Oregon motorists, while only representing 13% of vehicle miles traveled in the state. That also means that our tax revenue helps fund the alternative transportation modes that many opponents of road construction so often tout. So many people often only think of trucks as a nuisance to get around during rush hour. But few stop to think about how they are on the roads to keep our very way of life going. As legislators return to their districts this summer, they will be holding district meetings and going on local tours. I encourage you to reach out to OTA staff to find out how you might be able to host a tour of 2 Evan Oneto OTA Chair “If you got it, trucks brought it.” That means whatever industry somebody is involved in or cares about, they are connected to trucking—whether they know it or not. Driving Oregon’s Economy 3 Issue 2 | 2023 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair & ATA State VP Evan Oneto (FedEx) Vice Chair Erik Zander (Omega Morgan) Secretary/Treasurer Bart Sherman (Sherman Bros. Trucking) ATA State VP Nick Card (Blackwell Consolidation) Past Chair Andy Owens (A&M Transport) ISI Rep Diane DeAutremont (Lile Int. Co.) Chair Appointee Ron Riddle (Leavitt’s Freight Service) DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE John Barnes (TEC Equipment) Greg Galbraith (Market Express) Scott Hammond (Knife River Corp.) Heather Hayes (Tradewinds Trans.) David Hopkins (TP Trucking) Charles Ireland (Ireland Trucking) Kirk Watkins (Western Heavy Haul) Regional Representatives Central Oregon Ron Cholin (Stinger Transport) Eastern Oregon Roni Shaw (Bowman Trucking) Metro Region Tim Love (Carson Oil Co.) Southern Oregon Ryan Hutchens (F.V. Martin Trucking) Willamette Valley Ron Bowers (Ron Bowers Inc.) COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Safety Management Council (SMC) Jennifer King (WHA Insurance) Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Mike Vallery (Oak Harbor Freight Lines, Inc.) Standing Committee Representatives Allied Trevin Fountain (Cummins) Government Affairs Kristal Fiser (UPS) Highway Policy Erik Zander, Omega Morgan Image Michael Card (Combined Transport) Membership Nick Card (Combined Transport) OTA in Action Mark Gibson (Siskiyou Transportation) Truck PAC Erik Zander (Omega Morgan) COMMITTEES Allied Government Affairs Highway Policy Image Membership Oregon TruckPAC OTA in Action To learn more about the committees or councils listed above, contact OTA at [email protected] or 503.513.0005. 2022/2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS your facility or attend a local legislative meeting this summer. And remember, it doesn’t matter their politics or views of trucking. As Jimmy Hoffa is famed for saying, “If you got it, trucks brought it.” That means whatever industry somebody is involved in or cares about, they are connected to trucking—whether they know it or not. See you down the road, Evan OTA Welcomes the Following New Members! All members are listed in our online directory via the member portal. Red Hills Express Scopelitis Sierra Pacific T&L Trucking
4 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch FROM THE PRESIDENT Jana Jarvis OTA President/CEO WE OFTEN TALK about OTA’s advocacy work, but what that looks like on a day-to-day basis is as varied as the daily activities of our team. For example, today I’m writing this column as I fly home to Portland from a quick trip to Washington, D.C. where, as one of a handful of women executives running a state trucking association, I met with ATA to discuss how we can leverage state leadership diversity with our national advocacy efforts. There are now 15 women state executives as a part of the national trucking federation, and we have a unique opportunity to influence policymakers’ perspectives about diversity in our industry. So, beyond the wings of a transcontinental Washington, D.C. to Portland flight, what does that advocacy look like? And why should you care? Trucking is on the precipice of great change. Prior to the 1980’s, trucking had been a highly regulated industry. The flood of available labor during the Great Depression moved disaffected farmers and others into hauling freight to make ends meet. ATA, which had been formed only a handful of years prior, was concerned, along with the railroads, that falling freight rates by an abundance of emerging trucking businesses would negatively affect the freight industry and they pushed for control over these unpredictable market conditions. The result was the Motor Carrier Act of 1935 that established routes and rates and carefully controlled who participated in the industry. Only 17,000 carrier participants were allowed to haul freight across the U.S. (as compared to over one million carriers today) and these established routes could easily sell for close to a million dollars in the 1970’s. A free market did not exist in the trucking industry for several decades. But economic conditions in the late 70’s pushed government leaders to rethink this strategy. Heavy unionization and strong regulation limiting participants had kept driver wages strong and companies highly profitable. But as the economy went into a free fall in the late 1970’s and unemployment grew more concerning, these high freight rates negatively affected the price of consumer goods, and a push by a growing number of independent trucking companies urged Congress to move the industry away from this strong regulation. The Motor Carrier Act signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in 1980 essentially deregulated the industry. While the industry today remains “unregulated” in control of rates and routes, trucking has become a highly regulated industry from the safety perspective. Hours of service and electronic logging devices were mandated for all interstate carriers in the past few years, and efforts to require side guard rails on trailers, speed limiters, and cameras are currently under discussion at the federal level. Many of these regulations have also been adopted at the state level, and policy discussions impacting the trucking industry occur during every legislative session in Oregon. Safety advocates, the environmental community, local governments, and bicycle and pedestrian advocates roam the halls in Salem, regularly pushing policy proposals that will impact our industry. Proposals just this year include motorcycle lane splitting, mandating renewable diesel, and controlling warehouse productivity, in addition to efforts to build a new I-5 Bridge and fund the update in the Rose Quarter section of I-5. All of these policy proposals keep OTA busy advocating for the trucking industry in Salem. And the issues keep growing. Many of these topics fall outside of traditional trucking industry concerns but they have the ability to positively or negatively affect your bottom line. Labor law concerns are growing with the advent of Paid While other industries are still trying to recover from the pandemic, trucking remains a leader in moving forward. Advocacy in Action
5 Issue 2 | 2023 ADVOCATING, EDUCATING, AND PROMOTING THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY EVENTS UPCOMING EVENTS Family Leave and the prohibition against signing bonuses that is currently being debated in Salem. Marijuana legalization impacts drug-free workplace policies and how companies can handle those issues is always a topic of concern. Climate change warnings have pushed Oregon into adopting California’s zero-emission vehicle goals that will impact your ability to buy new internal combustion engines in the near future. And the issues go on and on... But advocacy is not limited to when the Legislature is in session. The ability to provide “public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy” as the Oxford dictionary explains this concept, happens year-round in a variety of ways that can help or hurt our industry. While we depend on a strong lobby team to carry the ball, we also need an engaged membership to support their work. Events like our Trucking Day at the Capitol, the TruckPAC dinners and golf tournaments, conventions and leadership participation can make the difference between success and failure on the policy front. Together we need to help policymakers appreciate that Trucking Moves Oregon’s Economy and that the success of our industry helps to build the success of their communities. You may have joined OTA for reasons other than our advocacy efforts. We certainly provide premier training, enjoyable and effective conferences and conventions, and networking opportunities. Maybe you joined because of our Worker’s Compensation Insurance program or our Drug Consortium. Whatever encouraged you to become a member of OTA, we are glad you joined us. We only ask that you consider joining our advocacy efforts as well. For an industry that provides 1 in 16 jobs in our state, it will take all of us to accomplish the goal of making the trucking industry in Oregon more profitable, more efficient, more diverse, and more effective. As I look out the plane window on my way home from Washington, D.C., I am filled with pride in this industry. I’m looking forward to nearly 90 members joining our lobby team this week for our Trucking Day at the Capitol to engage in advocacy efforts on behalf of trucking. This organization has grown, our membership is engaged, and our opportunities are endless. While other industries are still trying to recover from the pandemic, trucking remains a leader in moving forward despite the obstacles. Every one of you reading this column is important to our efforts. See you soon. IN PERSON!!
6 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch EVENTS OTA Spotlights Safety at the Spring Safety Conference WHILE SAFETY IS our top priority every day, each year we take two days to convene in Salem to discuss the latest safety updates and insights at our Spring Safety Conference. This year’s conference took place on April 6–7 and included breakout sessions, training opportunities, speakers and an awards ceremony for winners of the Oregon Fleet Safety Awards. After kicking off the event with a preconference training opportunity on developing supervisory skills, attendees received an update on ODOT and the DATAQs program, as well as a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) update. Attendees were given the opportunity to participate in three breakout sessions on the following topics: ` Creating an effective emergency action and response plan ` Vehicle mitigation coaching ` Safer trucking: Essential resources and tools for drivers The highlight of the event was the dinner recognizing this year’s Oregon Fleet Safety Awards, where we honored the safest OTA member fleets in Oregon. This year’s winners included: SPECIALIZED CARRIER UNDER 1/2 MILLION MILES 1. Independent Dispatch 2. Hattenhauer Energy 3. Morgan Industrial SPECIALIZED CARRIER OVER 1/2 MILLION MILES 1. Hattenhauer Transportation 2. Tyree Oil PRIVATE CARRIER UNDER 1 MILLION MILES 1. Consolidated Supply Co. 2. Boshart Trucking 3. Pepsi NorthWest Beverages PRIVATE CARRIER 1–3 MILLION MILES 1. Charlie’s Produce 2. Roseburg Forest Products 3. Organically Grown PRIVATE CARRIER OVER 3 MILLION MILES 1. Winco Foods 2. Walmart LESS THAN TRUCK LOAD UNDER 5 MILLION MILES 1. Kool Pak 2. ABF Freight LESS THAN TRUCK LOAD OVER 5 MILLION MILES 1. FedEx Freight 2. Old Dominion
7 Issue 2 | 2023 COMMON CARRIER TRUCKLOAD UNDER 1 MILLION MILES 1. Portland Container Repair 2. Western Mountain Transport 3. Stinger Transport COMMON CARRIER TRUCKLOAD 1–3 MILLION MILES 1. George Van Dyke Trucking 2. Space Age Fuel 3. RLT, Inc. COMMON CARRIER TRUCKLOAD OVER 3 MILLION MILES 1. Terrain Tamers 2. A&M Transport 3. TP Trucking/Market Express (TIE) SAFETY PROFESSIONAL: • Small Carrier: Tony Walters with Highway Heavy Hauling • Large Carrier: Brisa Rosentritt The Grand Champion Award, the highest safety honor presented to a member of the Oregon Trucking Associations will be announced at OTA’s Annual Convention in August. Visit to register for the Annual Convention! Congratulations to all of this year’s winners and thank you to our event sponsors and everyone who attended this year’s Spring Safety Conference. Thank you also to the Safety Management Council, led by Jennifer King from WHA Insurance, for putting together a great event! We’ll see you next spring for our 2024 Spring Safety Conference! Event Sponsors: `First Strike Environmental `Great West Casualty Company `J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc. `Joe Morten & Son, Inc. `KPD Insurance `McKinney Trailer `Netradyne `Papé Kenworth `PayneWest Insurance `Premier Truck Group `Propel Insurance `SAIF `Tech Equipment `Tyree Oil `WHA Insurance
8 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Annual OTA Convention & Exhibition 2023 August 14-16, 2023 Riverhouse on the Deschutes, Bend This event brings our association and industry leaders together. Learn the latest industry updates, attend committee meetings to hear about what OTA has been up to and our plans for the future, catch up with colleagues, showcase your products and services at the exhibition, and celebrate the winners of this year's Carrier Member of the Year, Allied Member of the Year and OTA Image Award. REGISTER: ORTRUCKING.ORG/EVENTS
10 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Congratulations Northwest Fleet Safety Graduates! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2022– 23 graduating class of OTA’s Northwest Fleet Safety Program! 2022–2023 Northwest Fleet Safety Graduates The 10 Fleet Safety graduates spent the last year learning about the tools and resources safety personnel need to keep trucks, shops and people safe and protected, whether they’re seasoned professionals or new to the job. The graduates were recognized at the Fleet Safety Awards Dinner at OTA’s Spring Safety Conference in May. ` Ella Aguilar—Speedy Septic ` Cory Allmaras—Green Transfer & Storage Co. ` Cody Goff—F.V. Martin Trucking ` Pat Hammill—Tyree Oil ` Jessica Nelson—Peninsula Trucking ` Bryson Richmond—TP Trucking ` Justin Smith—Winco Foods ` Joe Torres—Bigfoot Beverages ` Dennis Werbowski—McCracken Motor Freight ` Buddy White—Charlie’s Produce Interested in the Northwest Fleet Safety or Maintenance Certification Programs? The 2023–24 programs will start in late spring 2023. Limited space is available, so contact our team at safety@ortrucking. org or call 503.513.0005 as soon as possible to sign up or learn more!
11 Issue 2 | 2023 Interested in the Northwest Fleet Safety or Maintenance Certification Programs? Contact our team at [email protected] or call 503.513.0005 as soon as possible to sign up or learn more!
12 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Saturday, June 10, 2023 Old Dominion 146 N Gertz Rd Portland, OR 97217 Join OTA for the Oregon Truck Driving Championships on June 10! THE OREGON TRUCK Driving Championships (TDC) is one of the most anticipated OTA events of the year. The TDC offers an opportunity for some of Oregon’s most skilled and safest drivers to put their knowledge and talent to the test. Drivers who place in one of the nine categories will go on to compete at the National Truck Driving Championships. While the event highlights our drivers, it also showcases the industry’s commitment to safety as all drivers must be accident-free for at least one year prior to the event. The drivers undergo a written examination, pretrip inspection test and finally, the skills test. This last task is what family, friends and other spectators come out to see and cheer on their favorite drivers. The event is open to the public and free for spectators to attend. This year’s TDC will be held at Old Dominion in Portland. Mark your calendars for June 10 and come see Oregon’s truck drivers in action!
14 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch GIVEN THE MANY important issues the trucking industry is facing in the 2023 Legislative Session, it is more important than ever that our members make our voices heard in Salem this year. Which is why we were thrilled to have nearly 90 OTA members join us in Salem on April 27 for OTA’s 2023 Trucking Day at the Capitol. Due to ongoing construction at the Capitol Building, attendees convened at the Salem Convention Center, where Rep. Susan McLain, Rep. Shelly Boshart Davis and Sen Brian Boquist, the Co-Chair and Co-Vice Chairs of the Joint Committee on Transportation, reported on the latest developments on I-5 bridge funding. Following the presentation from legislators, Ray Mabey, Deputy Interstate Bridge Replacement Program Administrator at ODOT, reported from an agency perspective on the I-5 bridge project. In the afternoon, attendees had an opportunity to meet with legislators at their offices in the Capitol Building, where they talked about everything from trucking taxes and fees, to transportation package funding, and ways that trucking is shifting to clean diesel. While some attendees wrapped up the day by testifying at the Joint Committee on Transportation’s hearing on I-5 bridge funding, others spoke with legislators at our legislative reception to close out the day. Thank you to all of our members who joined us for 2023 Trucking Day at the Capitol. We look forward to welcoming you back to Salem in 2024! 2023 Trucking Day at the Capitol
15 Issue 2 | 2023
16 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch ATRI’s research identified key findings in each of these three infrastructure components. New research from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) provides an assessment of the infrastructure needs for electrification of the U.S. vehicle fleet, with an emphasis on the trucking industry. This analysis focuses on three infrastructure components that may prove challenging for electrifying the nation’s vehicle fleet: 1 U.S. Electricity Supply and Demand 2 Electric Vehicle Production 3 Truck Charging Requirements Full electrification of the U.S. vehicle fleet would require a large percentage of the country’s existing electricity generation including: • 26.3 percent for passenger cars and trucks • 14 percent for all freight trucks, including 10.6 percent for long-haul trucks • 40.3 percent for all vehicles WA 31.8% OR 36.2% MT 46.3% WY 42.6% NV 35.9% UT 62.9% CA 57.2% AZ 40.2% NM 52.1% CO 41.9% ID 38.8% AK 42.5% HI 42.2% TX 32.0% OK 38.7% KS 42.7% NE 39.0% SD 45.6% ND 30.1% MN 42.5% IA 35.9% MO 54.6% LA 28.3% AR 46.9% MS 43.2% AL 40.9% FL 38.7% GA 44.8% SC 30.8% TN 43.6% NC 38.5% WI 45.8% MI 42.3% IL 37.8% IN 42.8% OH 37.1% KY 33.8% WV 29.7% VA 31.6% PA 31.6% NY 34.3% ME 60.2% NH 50.1% • VT 55.8% • • MA 47.5% • RI 39.4% • CT 44.7% • NJ 40.9% • DE 38.1% • MD 38.9% • DC 11.1% ELECTRICITY NEEDS ARE SIGNIFICANT Charging Infrastructure Challenges for the U.S. Electric Vehicle Fleet NEW REPORT! CHALLENGE #1 U.S. Electricity Supply and Demand CHALLENGE #2 Electric Vehicle Production CHALLENGE #3 Truck Charging Requirements Electricity Production Power Grid User Demand Mining Parking Charging Costs Raw Materials Environment/ Social Issues Country of Origin Percent of Total Generation Required: 0.0%–11.1% 11.2%–36.2% 36.3%–42.8% 42.9%–50.0% 50.1%–62.9% Some states would need more than 50 percent of current electricity generation to meet vehicle travel needs (see map at right). Large-scale infrastructure investment would be a necessary precursor to electrification.
17 Issue 2 | 2023 BATTERY MATERIALS DOMINATE BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLE (BEV) VIABILITY Tens of millions of tons of cobalt, graphite, lithium and nickel will be needed to replace the existing U.S. vehicle fleet, placing high demand on raw materials. Depending on the material, this represents: • 6.3 to 34.9 years of current global production. • 8.4 to 64.4 percent of global reserves. BEV production has considerable environmental and social impacts: • Mining and processing produce considerable CO2 and pollution issues. • In some operations, a minimum of one million gallons of water must be utilized to produce a single pound of lithium. • Exploitation of labor is common in some source countries. In the near term there are discrete applications for BEV trucks. Local and regional truck operations that rely on shorter trips and return the truck to terminals for nightly charging are feasible today. In the absence of public policies that mandate the purchase of these BEVs, carriers themselves will have to decide if the costs and benefits of a BEV truck fit well with their business models. And those decisions will be conditioned on truck costs, shipper/freight requirements, and access to abundant and inexpensive electricity. Issues arise however if any one or more of these decision-making inputs is not viable. Producing BEV trucks that meet carriers’ operational requirements, including impacts on operations and balance sheets and providing ample charging, must be addressed by the entire supply chain. Utilities must ensure that expanded electrification is feasible as well. It is inappropriate, however, to place these burdens squarely on motor carriers. For a copy of the full report, please visit ATRI’s website at Key Findings Continued TRUCK CHARGING AVAILABILITY WILL BE THE TRUCK PARKING CRISIS 2.0 Using today’s truck and charging requirements, more chargers will be needed than there are parking spaces. Regardless of advances in battery capacity or charge rates, BEV charging will be limited by federal Hours-of-Service rules for drivers and parking availability. Initial equipment and installation costs at the nation’s truck parking locations will top $35 billion, based on average per-unit purchase and installation costs of $112,000. Additionally, to understand the truck parking challenges, ATRI quantified the truck charging needs at a single rural rest area, which would require enough daily electricity to power more than 5,000 U.S. households. Other barriers include laws preventing commercial charging at public rest areas and the remoteness of many truck parking locations. BEV TRUCK CONUNDRUM Battery weight increases price and vehicle range, but decreases cargo revenue weight. Ultimately more BEV trucks will be needed on already congested roadways to haul the same amount of freight. $ VEHICLE COST $$$ VEHICLE COST BATTERY WEIGHT HEAVY BATTERY WEIGHT LIGHT Decreasing Cargo Revenue Weight (lbs.) Increasing Range (Miles)
18 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch What’s Happening in HR in 2023? From HR Answers, Inc. OVER THE LAST couple of years HR leaders have faced a historic amount of disruption. While things have settled a little many are ready to start working on a number of challenges and opportunities. There are a number of trends and priorities to pay attention to. You are probably like us and receive a number of articles and are asked to attend webinars where statistics are shared, and export reports are made available. As a result, we have pulled together information about 2023 HR priorities for your reference. These may already be on your list and can help you articulate what you are trying to accomplish or start the conversation with your peers. Leader and Manager Effectiveness— Preparing them for the future of work, empathic leadership, understanding HR liabilities, and employee emotional wellness top the list. Other challenges include leading remote teams, managing hybrid work, and the changing expectations of leaders. Employee Experience— Having the ability to be themselves, speak up, share ideas, be listened to, and be valued for their contributions as well as be able to talk about their career opportunities within the organization. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging— What initiatives can HR implement to promote DEIB in all stages of the employee life cycle? Much of the focus has been of recruitment activities. There are plenty of opportunities when it comes to onboarding, development, promotion, and other people practices creating more inclusive workplaces where people feel like they belong. HR does not have to do it alone. Employees feeling safe to talk about disabilities and their involvement in Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s) are certainly steps in the right direction.
19 Issue 2 | 2023 Recruiting— Competition for people and skills continues. Sourcing strategies are insufficient for finding the skills they need. Employers will need to tackle the question of whether college degrees are really needed or not. Many organizations are actually screening out hundreds of skilled applicants due to this required qualification. Onboarding— This HR activity has been in a chaotic state of flux for a few years now, and it’s showing! Employees found their onboarding experience to be stressful and that onboarding wasn’t personalized or structured to help them reach productivity in their role. Employees felt they’d been left isolated or alone during their onboarding and their onboarding made them question their choice in jobs— pointing back to our statistic on those misleading job descriptions. Wellbeing— We have all been hearing about the high need for more education and understanding the role mental health is playing in our workplace. Wellness also encompasses other elements such as physical, emotional, financial, etc. Employers have to be intentional about what they are doing and why in this space. Just offering a new benefit or making telehealth option available is not enough. Organizations cannot have a one size fits all approach. Tailor your approach, policies, and practices to the unique needs and characteristics of your organization and people. Reshaping Workplace Learning— HR will reinvent employee development strategies and bring learning into dayto-day work. Closing the skill gap is one of the critical ways for HR to make a difference in their organization. In 2023, the focus will be more on strategic learning—the training of skills aligned with the capabilities the organization needs to be competitive. This can include hard skills, which are more technical, and soft skills, like communication, time management, and analytical and critical thinking skills. Strategies such as microlearning, micro-mentoring, and performance coaching will be used. Future of Work— The discussions continue regarding hybrid and remote options for positions and workers—work arrangements that work for everyone. In addition, there are rumors afoot about the benefits of a 4-day workweek and how it might benefit employee attraction, retention, and wellness but of course productivity and customer needs have to be addressed. HR Listening— HR will play a role in listening to the employee voice, which is becoming increasingly important for organizations with hybrid and remote working policies. Employees want to share what is working and what is not, what they need, how they are willing to contribute beyond the job and more. HR will have to adapt to the preferences and adjust policies to give their Millennials and Generation Z employees the flexibility and collaboration they crave. HR will also help build soft skills, including empathy and active listening amongst its leadership population, as employees look to their leaders as a trusted source of information. Information gathered from Connecteam, Gartner, Academy of Innovative HR, Cezanne HR Research, Lattice, Udemy, Northumbria University and SHRM. Article provided by HR Answers. Have questions? Check out their website at or contact them at [email protected] or 503.885.9815.
20 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch New research from the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) analyzed the environmental impacts of Class 8 zero-emission trucks (ZETs). The research utilized federal and industry-sourced data to identify and compare full life-cycle CO2 emissions for a range of truck types: • Internal combustion engine (ICE) trucks powered by diesel • Battery electric vehicle (BEV) trucks powered by electricity • Fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) trucks powered by hydrogen ATRI’s analysis compared CO2 emissions across the full vehicle life-cycle: • Vehicle production • Energy production and consumption • Vehicle disposal/recycling The study found that full life-cycle CO2 emissions for the battery electric truck would only generate 30 percent fewer emissions than the standard diesel truck. The marginal environmental benefits of electric trucks are due, in large part, to lithium-ion battery production – which generates more than six times the carbon of diesel truck production. ATRI’s research concludes that hydrogen fuel cell trucks (FCEV) are ultimately the most environmentally friendly truck type, although the technology is not presently feasible for long-haul operations. 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% ICE 30.0% Lower BEV 44.6% Lower FCEV Lifetime CO2 Emissions for Class 8 Diesel Truck (ICE) vs BEV & FCEV Understanding the CO2 Impacts of Zero-Emission Trucks VEHICLE COST ZET vehicle costs will be a strong barrier to entry. While a new Class 8 diesel truck tractor may cost roughly $135,000 to $150,000, the purchase price of a new Class 8 BEV can be as much as $450,000. The same issue will likely impact the FCEV. Estimates for fuel cell truck costs range from $200,000 to $600,000 with 60 percent of the overall cost solely credited to the fuel cell propulsion system. SOURCING OF MATERIALS AND SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES There are several key raw materials needed for lithium-ion batteries; depending on the battery chemistry, these might include lithium, graphite, cobalt, manganese and nickel. While these materials are critical for batteries and for the production of a large BEV national fleet, the U.S. is almost entirely dependent on other countries for these materials. Over the past decade, the U.S. has imported nearly 100 percent of the critical minerals needed for battery production from countries including China, Australia, Chile and the Democratic Republic of Congo. REFUELING INFRASTRUCTURE There currently is no U.S. network where over-theroad trucks can stop for rest breaks and recharging at the same time. In a forthcoming report, ATRI is documenting the infrastructure requirements of a nationwide truck charging network and the electricity sector’s ability to power the U.S. truck fleet. BATTERY LIFE It is well understood that lithium-ion batteries begin to slowly degrade once the charging and discharging process commences, and battery degradation is greatly influenced by the number of charge cycles. Separate from the number of charging cycles, there is evidence that the rate at which a BEV is charged could impact battery life. Because of operational constraints – such as driver hours-ofservice – and the large energy capacity of a truck battery, faster charging may be necessary. Realities of Zero-Emission Trucks NEW REPORT! n CO 2 n CO 2 Decrease from ICE Baseline % if ICE CO2
BATTERY PERFORMANCE Ambient temperatures can affect the battery performance of electric vehicles. Cold weather slows the chemical and physical reactions that make batteries work, leading to longer charging times and a temporary reduction in range. Conversely, higher temperatures generally lead to faster chemical and physical reactions. In addition, low or elevated temperatures can initiate the use of electric air conditioning or heating systems, which can draw significant amounts of battery power – with an accompanying reduction in driving range. Topography also has a strong influence on energy consumption and battery operation as well. On an uphill grade, all vehicles expend more energy than when traveling on level ground. Energy consumption for electric vehicles tends to steadily increase as road grade increases. BATTERY WEIGHT AND CARGO CAPACITY Battery weight may substantially limit the long-haul capabilities of a BEV, leading to a need for more BEV vehicles to carry the same amount of cargo. Those carriers operating closer to the maximum allowable weight will likely have to modify their operations if they wish to use long-haul battery electric vehicles. Reducing CO2 Truck Emissions ATRI’s analysis concludes by identifying additional strategies that can reduce CO2 truck emissions for all three energy sources – diesel, electricity and hydrogen. For example, renewable diesel could decrease CO2 emissions to only 32.7 percent of a standard diesel engine without requiring new infrastructure or truck equipment. Hydrogen sourced from solar-power electricity could enable hydrogen fuel cell trucks to emit only 8.8 percent of the baseline diesel CO2. Overall, the three truck types studied in this report have a pathway for lowering CO2 emissions in the coming decades. Research is needed to improve upon CO2 reduction efforts, and specifically to lower energy source CO2. While public policy is currently focused on moving the industry toward BEV, this research shows that even greater truck CO2 emission reductions can be achieved through other approaches. Realities of Zero-Emission Trucks Continued Vehicle, Trailer and Cargo Weight WEIGHT TYPE (lbs.) ICE BEV FCEV Tractor Weight 18,216 32,016 21,337 Trailer Weight 11,264 11,264 11,264 Average Cargo Weight 32,811 32,811 32,811 Total Weight 62,291 76,091 65,412 Remaining Available Cargo Weight 17,709 3,909 14,588 4,000,000 ICE - Diesel (Baseline) 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 – Lifetime CO2 (Lbs.) BEV FCEV BEV 2050 ICE - Renewable Diesel FCEV Solar HTSE 100.0% 70.0% 55.4% 51.2% 32.7% 8.8% For a copy of the full report, please visit ATRI’s website at Potential CO2 Emissions Reduction Options n Vehicle Production CO 2 n Energy CO 2 n Disposal/Recycling CO 2
22 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Membership Committee Sets Sights on Annual Convention By Jennifer Sitton | OTA Communications Consultant ANY MEMBER-BASED ORGANIZATION or industry association is only as strong as the membership it has behind it, both in quantity and engagement. With so many important issues on the horizon for the trucking industry, it is crucial that OTA’s Membership Committee helps to not only grow the organization’s membership numbers, but also to increase member engagement. One way in which the Membership Committee is seeking to increase engagement this year is through OTA’s Annual Convention & Exhibition, which will take place August 14–16 in Bend. In addition to the event’s presentations, sessions and tradeshow-like exhibition, the Convention also offers members the opportunity to attend committee meetings to hear what OTA has been up to and plans for the future. Because the event offers so many opportunities for attendees to network and catch up with their fellow industry members, the membership committee sees it as a key opportunity to increase engagement among existing members, which is why they will be initiating that engagement well ahead of August. “Sometimes all it takes is reaching out to someone and making them feel welcome,” said Nick Card, Chair of OTA’s Membership Committee and VP of Operations at Combined Transport, Inc. “We’ll be reaching out to registrants ahead of the Convention to encourage them to participate in different events and committee meetings.” While the Membership Committee is focused on engaging members at the Annual Convention this spring, they are also hoping to increase member engagement long-term, particularly among carrier members. “Membership is the basis of everything we do as an association,” said Nick. “We have to have engaged members for OTA to survive and thrive.”
23 Issue 2 | 2023 “We have so many allied members who have stepped up and have gotten really involved in a lot of OTA’s work. We want to be sure we have a proportional number of carrier members out there advocating for trucking with OTA as well,” said Nick. With so many ways to get involved with OTA, engagement can look different for everyone. Members can join one of OTA’s seven committees, attend an event, testify on a bill in Salem, or simply share the organization’s message with their colleagues to help recruit new members. “Membership is the basis of everything we do as an association,” said Nick. “We have to have engaged members for OTA to survive and thrive.” However you choose to get engaged, OTA welcomes your involvement! If you’re interested in joining a committee, or otherwise increasing your engagement, please reach out to Christine Logue at [email protected].
24 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch 01 Both carrier and allied members are welcome to apply. The deadline for submissions is August 1, 2023. OTA's annual Image Award recognizes companies/individuals whose actions and efforts make a positive impression and enhance trucking's overall image to the general public, decision-makers, and other industry members. 02 The 2023 Image Award recipient will be honored at the Annual OTA Convention & Exhibition August 14-16 at the Riverhouse on the Deschutes in Bend. 03 Apply at THE OTA IMAGE AWARD! APPLY FOR
25 Issue 2 | 2023 FOR THE LATEST INDUSTRY, ADVOCACY, AND ASSOCIATION UPDATES! Follow OTA on Social Media Oregon Trucking Association @ortrucking @OTAOregon
26 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Trucking Moves Oregon’s Economy By Jennifer Sitton | OTA Communications Consultant OREGON’S TRUCKING INDUSTRY plays a critical role in keeping the economy moving. Not only do trucks move nearly every item that we use in our daily lives, but they also play an important role in keeping the supply chain in motion. Most consumers don’t think about how the coffee they drink, the shoes they wear, or the phone they use every day arrived at their home or at the store, but nearly every item you eat, wear, or use was once transported via truck. Never before was the trucking industry so critical in delivering products to consumers than during the COVID-19 pandemic, when more and more Oregonians—and Americans—were ordering products to be delivered directly to their homes. But even as we’ve returned to normalcy, Oregonians rely heavily on the trucking industry to move products. Nearly 77% of communities in the state depend solely on trucks to deliver everyday essentials, from food to medical supplies. In addition to moving products to consumers, trucks are a vital transportation tool for manufacturing and other businesses. Nearly every industry in Oregon relies on trucks to transport the materials and equipment needed to manufacture goods and maintain their businesses. In fact, nearly 91% of manufactured tonnage in Oregon is transported by truck—that’s 122,780 tons a day! 91% of manufactured tonnage in Oregon is transported by truck Because Oregon is so dependent upon freight and trucking’s role in moving freight, highway conditions can have a significant impact on the economy and often, deteriorating road conditions can directly impact economic outputs. For example, I-84 is an extremely important highway for commercial traffic—trucks rely on this interstate route to move freight—but due to the nature of the highway, it is vulnerable to closures due to extreme weather conditions or wildfires. ODOT recently found that the estimated cost of one weekday closure of I-84 to heavy trucks between mile posts 17-62 due to the Eagle Creek Wildfire was $250,000–290,000. $250K–$290K— The estimated cost of one weekday closure of I-84 due to the Eagle Creek Wildfire When trucks can’t move products from one location to the next, our economy suffers. In addition to the important role trucking plays in the supply chain, Oregon’s trucking industry also contributes to the economy by providing jobs. There are currently 101,030 trucking industry jobs in Oregon, accounting for 1 in 16 jobs in the state. The 222,840 heavy and tractortrailer truck drivers in the state have an average salary of $54,072. A total of 25,180 trucking companies are located in Oregon, most of which are small, locally owned businesses who not only contribute to their local economy, but often play an important role as leaders in their communities. 25,180 trucking companies located in Oregon As we look to the future, the trucking industry will continue to play an important role in Oregon’s economy and supply chain, which is why the industry is continually looking at opportunities to adapt and modernize to meet the growing needs of businesses and consumers. So, the next time you pick up groceries at the store, receive a delivery at home, or slip on your shoes in the morning, remember that none of those products would be available without trucks helping to move Oregon’s economy. 77% of communities in Oregon depend solely on trucks to deliver everyday essentials, from food to medical supplies
27 Issue 2 | 2023 In Remembrance: Charles R. Every June 26, 1951–May 3, 2023 CHARLIE EVERY, FOUNDER of Every Trucking, passed away on May 3, 2023. Charlie was born in Klamath Falls and moved to Redmond in 1962. From a young age, rodeo was built into his DNA, working with his father at his stock contracting company; he was a multisport athlete in high school participating in football, track, and bull riding; he was also president of the student body of Redmond High School and FFA. He attended college at Eastern Oregon University, where he again participated with the rodeo team. He met his wife of 48 years, Wendie, at the Lakeview Roundup. She encouraged him to pursue his passion for trucking and he bought his first truck in 1977. Their first son, Jeff, was born in 1978, and their second son, Cody, followed in 1984. He and Wendie raised their sons in Redmond and both boys followed in their father’s footsteps and established their own trucking businesses. Charlie was an active member and served on the board of the Oregon Trucking Association. His company was the largest hauler of agricultural products east of the Cascades and was recognized for its safety record as a trusted carrier. There will be a celebration of life on June 25, 2023 Charlie Every Memorial Truck Parade Sunday Trucks meet at Madras Livestock Auction Yard at 11:00 am and depart at 12:00 pm or once lined up. Convoy to Charlie and Wendie Every’s house—1210 SW 51st St, Redmond OR Music and lunch to follow at their house.
28 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Carrier Diversity Moves Products of All Types Where They’re Going Types of Trucking TRUCKING KEEPS OREGON’S economy moving, in more ways and with more types of carriers than most consumers know. There are more than a dozen types of carriers represented among OTA members. Our members include carriers hauling fuel, ag products, logging, and timber products, as well as construction carriers, truckload and mover carriers, private carriers, parcel carriers, “less than truckload” carriers and movers. Each carrier type plays a critical role in keeping Oregon’s economy functioning and ensuring products get where they’re going. The following companies are just a few of the many OTA carrier members representing the different types of trucking in Oregon. By Jennifer Sitton | OTA Communications Consultant
29 Issue 2 | 2023 Less Than Truckload (LTL)— Old Dominion Freight Line Old Dominion Freight Line is the second largest carrier in the country and has a large presence in Oregon with 285 employees and 175 trucks domiciled here. As a “less than truckload” carrier, Old Dominion is responsible for transporting all types of general freight and hazardous materials. Old Dominion’s Jeff Lorenzini believes that the most important impact trucking has on Oregon’s economy is that every single product we use has been moved by a tractor trailer at some point, either at its origin or its final destination. “The economy that Oregon has would not have been possible without the carriers that operate in Oregon,” said Jeff. In addition to moving goods, Jeff notes that most Oregonians are not aware that a large percentage of the construction and roadways in Oregon are paid for by commercial carriers via the weight- mile tax. Construction/For-Hire Carrier— Omega Morgan With about 50 tractors and 300 employees in Oregon, Omega Morgan is a for-hire carrier that focuses primarily on shipping large, over-dimensional loads. They also have a fleet of tractors and cranes that service their machinery moving business. But Omega Morgan’s Erik Zander is most proud of the many family wage jobs they provide and the critical role that trucking plays in moving over ¾ of all freight across the country. When asked what is the number one thing he wants people to know about trucking in Oregon, Erik said, “I think the public is starting to understand our importance to their livelihood. I am bullish about our future. As our state continues to realize they need us not just to move the economy but also to pay for a good portion of the state’s roadways, we will continue to see this trend.” The economy that Oregon has would not have been possible without the carriers that operate in Oregon.
30 Oregon Trucking Association, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch If you bought it, a truck brought it. Fuel Hauler—Carson Oil Operating across Oregon, Washington and Idaho, Carson Oil hauls fuel, lubricants, DEF and packaged goods, and propane wherever it’s needed. With 500 employees and 220 trucks, they have a sizeable footprint as a three-state fuel hauler, but they’re also committed to ensuring their environmental footprint is as small as possible. Like most trucking companies, Carson Oil has upgraded its equipment to the latest, most environmentally friendly models and makes every effort to use low-carbon fuels when possible. Carson Oil’s Tim Love believes that trucking plays a critical role in Oregon’s economy because everything consumers use comes on a truck, including bikes, fuel, food, etc. “If you bought it, a truck brought it,” said Tim. Parcel—FedEx You’d be hard pressed to find an Oregonian who hasn’t utilized parcel carrier FedEx at one point or another. FedEx moves nearly all types of products, from legal documents to medical devices and tires, across all 50 states. However, many people who simply think of FedEx as a tool to receive their latest online delivery may not know that the carrier has a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2040, nor are they aware of the internal emphasis and importance that is placed on safety. FedEx’s internal motto is “people, service, profit” with people and safety intentionally listed as their first priority. “Trucking is the lifeline to our economy,” said FedEx’s Evan Oneto. “Most people do not think that much about trucking because it works, but you do think about when your deliveries do not arrive. I hope we can change the way we think about transportation and the critical role it plays in our daily lives.” OTA Carrier Member, cont.
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