OTA Dispatch Issue 2, 2022

15 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 boards and have seen their value, but there’s definitely room for more involvement from the trucking industry. Andy Owens, A&M Transport CEO & OTA Board Chair, has served on the Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board since 2015. In a recent online article*, Andy was quoted as saying that, “Like with any volunteer position, you’re going to get out what you put into it; you can make it a full-time job or just make it a hobby.” Other OTA members currently serving on workforce boards include Michael Card, Combined Transport; Billy Dover, Tyree Oil; and Heather Zwald Taksdal, Zwald Transport. Local Area Boards ` Northwest Oregon Works ` Worksystems ` Clackamas Workforce Partnership ` Willamette Workforce Partnership ` Lane Workforce Partnership ` Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board ` Rogue Workforce Partnership ` East Cascades Works ` Eastern Oregon Workforce Board Visit https://www.oregon.gov/ workforceboard/about/pages/localworkforce-development-boards.aspx for more details. Joining a Workforce Board Appointments to the board are made by a recommendation from a community group, such as a Chamber of Commerce, and then approved through a county commissioner or its equivalent office. Anyone can get involved in a variety of capacities. By law, workforce boards must have a minimum of 51% private industry representation. At last count, trucking had representatives on three of Oregon’s nine boards, with others in the process of joining. Those already involved in the workforce boards are fairly optimistic about trucking’s role and are seeing value in making the investment of time and effort. It’s estimated that any given trucking company in Oregon has anywhere from 10% to 25% of its fleet working part time due to a lack of drivers. Cultivating new avenues of training and recruitment builds awareness that goes beyond the initial investment. If you’re interested in learning more about Oregon’s Workforce Development Boards and how you can get involved, send an email to [email protected]. *WATCH A VIDEO and read more of Andy’s interview with FreightWaves at https://www.freightwaves.com/news/thinklocal-industry-urged-to-join-workforcedevelopment-programs.