OTA Dispatch Issue 2, 2022


A publication of the Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. 4005 SE Naef Rd., Portland, OR 97267 503.513.0005 • 888.293.0005 Fax: 503.513.0008 • www.ortrucking.org Jana Jarvis President/CEO [email protected] Christine Logue Vice President of Operations [email protected] Gregg Dal Ponte Director of Regulatory Compliance [email protected] Adam Williamson Director of Training & Development [email protected] Zobeida Harp Administrative & Permits Coordinator [email protected] Ligia Visan Director of Accounting [email protected] Christa Wendland Communications Consultant [email protected] Mark Gibson Government Relations Policy Advisor [email protected] For information about OTA events and to register online, visit www.ortrucking.org. Published for OTA by LLM Publications PO Box 25120, Portland, OR 97298-0120 503.445.2220 • 800.647.1511 • www.llmpubs.com President Stephen Bloss Design Hope Sudol Advertising Sales Ronnie Jacko For information about advertising in the Oregon Truck Dispatch, please contact Ronnie Jacko at 503.445.2234 or [email protected]. Thank you, advertisers! Your support makes this publication possible. Please support them and tell them you saw them in the OTA Dispatch. 2 OTA Chair’s Message 3 OTA New Members 4 OTA President’s Message 5 Event Calendar 6 Get Involved 12 OTA Annual Permits 23 Bob Russell Truck Pac Golf Tournament Issue 2 | 2022 CONTENTS Stay Connected With Us @OTAOregon Oregon Trucking Associations @ORTrucking @ORTrucking.org Regulatory Compliance 8 Be Responsible on the Highways Events 10 Oregon Truck Driving Championships Return News 13 OTA Council Updates Featured 14 Taking the Lead 16 Mr. Card Goes to Washington 18 Adjusting to a Changing Demographic 20 OTA Carrier Member, Lanny Gower 24 Getting (Retro)Fit 26 Do You Have an Opinion? Safety 28 Volunteer Instructors & OTA 29 Oregon Trucking Fast Facts 30 Spring Safety Conference

Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch LIKE MANY OF you, I’ve been involved in the trucking industry for a long time. A lot of things have changed. A lot of things have stayed the same. While we’ve seen and adapted to new technology, more regulations, social impacts and much more, our industry is often still viewed through the stagnant lens of a 1970s TV show. The fictional world continues to influence the “reality” that the media and public cling to. Drivers are often painted as, at best, a footlooseand-fancy-free vagabond or, at worst, a roaming opportunistic serial killer. I get it—it’s entertaining. As fiction often is. Our true reality is much more complicated, and it’s up to us to tell our own story, but it’s not just telling, it’s showing. I can offer a lot of platitudes about the power of a strong visual. Show, don’t tell. Image is everything. A picture is worth a thousand words. So, what is the picture that you, as an organization, are putting out in the world? What part are you playing in creating the tapestry of Oregon’s trucking industry? OTA provides a lot of ways for us to be part of trucking’s “show-and-tell.” Simply by showing up we become part of our industry’s story. Gatherings the past few years have been challenging, as COVID-19 curbed in-person participation; however, OTA still brought members together. We still recognized our top safety performers. We still named our members of the year and our Image Award winners. Did you submit your people or company for consideration? OTA has forged partnerships with groups that address issues of concern to all of us. One of these is Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT). We may identify human trafficking as a horrible problem. We may even understand that human trafficking is a serious problem in Oregon. OTA and TAT are working together to bring more attention to this crime. As members of the trucking industry, we can be part of the solution. To do so, we have to get involved. Take the TAT training. Have the discussions with your drivers and other employees. OTA can act as our conduit, but we have to do the work. Our ability to show what trucking is made of also exists outside of the industry. In 2021, OTA became more active in the efforts of Wreaths Across America, sponsoring wreaths at Willamette National Cemetery in Portland. Trucking has been involved with this organization since it started, delivering thousands of wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery. Many of us were already sponsoring wreaths at locations in our own communities, but we may not have shared that with OTA or anyone else. Again, it comes down to telling our story, or even just sharing with those around us. This is also true in the role we play in our local communities. In talking to my fellow OTA members, I know that many of you are actively involved in your communities, participating in, or sponsoring events and assisting where needed. While we may not be doing these things to gain attention, and these activities may not fall under the heading of trucking, they are noteworthy and speak to the types of companies and people that make up Oregon’s trucking industry. Our actions tell the story, and we should be proud enough to share those stories. I’m not shy, so let me share some of the ways that the A&M team has served our community—not to brag, but to inspire. My son Ryan is currently chairman of the local school board, president of the local youth baseball association, minors baseball coach, and assistant 4H leader. My safety director Joe Moody coaches the local high school softball team. My nephew Patrick coaches a majors baseball team and volunteers to coach junior high football and basketball. My IT guy Zach coaches several youth soccer teams in the Grants Pass area. Caroline, who is part of dispatch operations, is active in the Cow Creek Valley Community Association, which fundraises year-round to provide fireworks for the community at no cost. They also organize the Easter egg hunt and Halloween parade for the kids. 2 Andy Owens OTA Chair As they say, actions have consequences—but inaction does, as well. Our involvement and our actions create the images that tell our story. The Evolution of Involvement

www.ortrucking.org 3 Issue 2 | 2022 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair & ATA State VP Andy Owens (A & M Transport) Vice Chair Evan Oneto (FedEx) Secretary/Treasurer Lanny Gower (XPO Logistics) Past Chair Diane DeAutremont (Lile Int. Co.) ISI Rep Bart Sherman (Sherman Bros. Trucking) Chair Appointee Ron Riddle (Leavitt’s Freight Service) Erik Zander (Omeda Morgan) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Regional Representatives Central Oregon Ron Cholin (Stinger Transport) Eastern Oregon Don McGinn (McGinn Bros. Trucking) Metro Region Tim Love (Carson Oil Co.) Southern Oregon  Ryan Hutchens (F.V. Martin Trucking) Willamette Valley Ron Bowers (Ron Bowers Inc.) Standing Committee Representatives Allied Trevin Fountain (Cummins) Government Affairs Evan Oneto (FedEx) Highway Policy Kristine Kennedy (Highway Heavy Hauling) Image Michael Card (Combined Transport) Membership Nick Card (Combined Transport) OTA in Action Mark Gibson (Siskiyou Transportation) Truck PAC Erik Zander (Omega Morgan) DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE Kristal Fiser (UPS) Heather Hayes (Tradewinds Transportation) Charles Ireland (Ireland Trucking) David Hopkins (TP Trucking) Steve Gallup (Rose City Moving & Storage) Scott Hammond (Knife River Corp.) John Barnes (TEC Equipment) COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Safety Management Council (SMC) Jennifer King, WHA Insurance Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Mike Vallery, Oak Harbor Freight Lines, Inc. COMMITTEES Allied Government Affairs Highway Policy Image Membership Oregon TruckPAC OTA in Action To learn more about the committees or councils listed above, contact OTA at [email protected] or 503.513.0005. OTA LEADERSHIP A&M supports many youth organizations here in southern Oregon ranging from athletics to theatre. All of this brings attention not just to our company, but also to our industry. As for me, in addition to my work with OTA and sitting on several ATA committees, I am also the president of my church board. I help financially and physically with lots of capital improvement projects here in the community-building ball fields or helping build a theatre set. During baseball season, you can often find me out on a ball field umping the game. I bet several of you are doing similar things in your own communities. Maybe you’ve never considered them noteworthy, but they’re your chapter of Oregon trucking’s story. If you’re looking for a place to start your community outreach, join OTA in some of the activities I mentioned above. We can help our communities while elevating our industry at the same time. We’re all doing more with less these days. The cost of operating continues to climb. Driver and other labor shortages are putting pressure on our teams. Supply chain issues are causing disruptions across the board. We have a lot to deal with, but we can’t take a back seat to driving our own narrative. The very traits that allow us to meet these challenges—dedication, commitment, flexibility, diversity, adaptability, etc.—create the backdrop for our industry. I’m no artist, but if we don’t put a brush to the canvas, we leave a lot open to interpretation. Media and special interest groups are more than happy to paint trucking in specific ways that serve their own interests, especially if we give them a blank canvas. As they say, actions have consequences—but inaction does, as well. Our involvement and our actions create the images that tell our story. Take the first step in defining what your story will be. Get involved, whether it’s through OTA or in your own backyard. Have an event you’d like OTA to attend or a good story to share? Contact [email protected] OTA Welcomes the Following New Members! AA Asphalting Bogatay Construction Caldera Technical Service Fluid Truck Gillespie Graphics Industrial Hearing Service Mid Valley Gravel Company M.O. Nelson & Son’s / Nelson Bros PR Hotsot Trucking Road Safety Supplies Company Rogue River Transport Rosie Books Sallak Truck Safety

4 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch FROM THE PRESIDENT Jana Jarvis OTA President/CEO VOLUNTEERISM. NOT A uniquely American value, but a value that is more broadly shared in America than in other industrialized nations. In an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review from 2018, the author, Susan N. Dreyfus, stated that Americans are 15% more likely to volunteer their time than the Dutch, 21% more likely than the Swiss, and 32% more likely than the Germans. Volunteering is part of our national fabric and has been since this country came into existence. In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville noted in his ninemonth tour of the United States that there is a uniquely American tendency toward volunteerism. In his Democracy in America he states: In the United States, as soon as several inhabitants have taken an opinion or an idea they wish to promote in society, they seek each other out and unite together once they have made contact. From that moment, they are no longer isolated but have become a power seen from afar whose activities serve as an example and whose words are heeded. This American tendency to unite for a common cause allows us to more clearly see what unites us than what divides us. We saw this play out after the events of 9/11 when this nation was attacked, and we banded together as we searched for answers. The flag reappeared on everything and we committed together to fight the evil that had attacked this great nation. But that event was over 20 years ago, and now our nation is as divided as ever. Volunteerism is declining, from community-based organizations to religious and educational organizations. Most people still value volunteerism but are pressed to find the time to devote to whatever cause they support and they are more willing to write a check than to give of their time. Non-profit organizations are struggling with this change as their missions are dependent on the volunteer efforts of their membership and the bulk of their writings are focused on how to engage their membership. The Oregon Trucking Associations is not exempt from this change. As an organization founded in 1936, our 86-year history is full of key members of our industry who have driven change and brought together the support for our efforts. This didn’t happen because the dues paid for staff to implement the change. This happened because leaders of the industry were there to drive the change. As one of the most (if not the most) highly regulated industries out there, the trucking industry is clearly in the sights of policymakers as they contemplate further changes. Some of these would benefit our industry—other policies would further complicate the landscape. Changes at both the state and federal levels are currently being contemplated by policymakers and our industry is so busy trying to keep up with the demands of the marketplace that it is easy to miss what is going on around us. And while volunteerism is declining, it will be to our detriment to allow that to happen. There is simply too much at stake. I have heard it said, by multiple prognosticators, that the trucking industry will change more in the next 10 years than it has in the past 100 years. Will you be too busy to affect this change? There is no time like the present to get involved in your industry. There are multiple opportunities to volunteer. In 2023, the Legislature will largely be comprised of individuals with less than four years’ experience on the job. Volunteer to be a Key Contact and help that legislator (even if they are from a different party than you) understand the workings of the trucking industry so as policy issues arise, they can reach out to you for perspective. Volunteer for an OTA committee. These committees range from policy issues, technical issues, to workforce and image issues surrounding our industry. The committees are scheduled to meet quarterly at a minimum and drive OTA’s agenda. Our Board of Directors is pulled from our active committee participation and the Board evaluates our direction moving forward. Or hold your hand up high and volunteer for a leadership role in this organization. Leaders are pulled from the ranks of active members, and they “Volunteer! Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” –Arthur Ashe Oregon at the Crossroads

5 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 ADVOCATING, EDUCATING, AND PROMOTING THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY EVENTS UPCOMING EVENTS will shape what our industry will look like a decade from now. Volunteering— particularly with an industry or professional organization—provides an opportunity to develop your leadership skills in many ways. Volunteers can gain different perspectives, build relationships, and master new skills— often, ones they might not have the time for or opportunity to work on at their jobs. In fact, volunteering for your professional organization can help build your career. In a survey for VolunteerHub, 92% of HR professionals stated that volunteering can help build leadership skills. In the same survey, 96% of volunteers stated that the action of volunteering enriched their sense of purpose in life. And the same study stated that volunteerism improves health by strengthening the body, improving mood, and lessening stress in participants. And it has been estimated that the act of volunteerism has a value to the U.S. economy of over $184 billion. I know intuitively what the act of volunteerism means to the trucking industry. Those of you who have devoted your time to positions of leadership and acts of volunteerism have made the difference for your compatriots in the industry. This organization can make a difference to your business—from the broad range of policy issues to the programs and services we offer to membership. And all of that is decided by those who step up to volunteer. Many of you have devoted a large percentage of your time to OTA and are now facing retirement in the near future. It’s time for those of you who are newer to the industry to step forward and volunteer. It isn’t scary, and there will be a lot of support. But you are needed now more than ever. Call a board member, call OTA staff, show up at an event and let us know how you can help. You can, and will, make a difference! Get the latest on OTA training & events online at www.ortrucking.org/events.

6 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Mark Gibson, Chair OTA in Action Committee/ President, Siskiyou Transportation IN EVERY ISSUE of the Dispatch and frankly every time I speak, whether at the OTA Spring Safety Conference, the OTA Leadership Convention, or anywhere in between, I mention involvement. So, in this article let’s focus on how OTA members can—and should—become involved in the local or regional committees and commissions maintained by ODOT and other entities. Area Commission on Transportation (ACT) Area Commissions on Transportation (ACTs) are regional commissions chartered by the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC). They address all aspects of transportation with a primary focus on the state transportation system, including regional and local issues that tie into the state system. To do this effectively, they interface with local organizations, such as cities, counties, tribal lands, Metropolitan Planning, etc., that deal with transportation-related issues. Elected officials representing the local geographic area make up 50% of an ACT. The rest of the ACT is made up of interested stakeholders, such as trucking, air, rail, bikes, pedestrian, and other groups deemed appropriate by the local ACT and the OTC. As you can imagine that results in a lot of opinions in one room. This conglomeration also points to why it’s vital that trucking is in that room. We all know that some of these groups are much more vocal than others, demanding attention and getting what they ask for without any pushback. That is to our industry’s detriment. In large part, trucking pays for the roads that everyone uses, yet what we require—not just what we want—to travel them safely is often the last thing considered. ACTs also play an important advisory role in the development of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The ACT facilitates the public process for area projects selection priorities. Imagine if, instead of bike lanes or pedestrian paths, our tax dollars go to improved freight movement or congestion relief. There are 12 ACTs in Oregon, many of which have trucking representation; however, many do not. How trucking is treated by an ACT can differ. We may be lumped in with freight, which means someone with no trucking experience can represent our interests—or not. Having visibility to proposed transportation projects means we can have a voice in their eventual outcome. OTA has been working with ODOT to ensure trucking is fully represented on all 12 ACTs. Now we need to get members in those rooms (or on the Zooms). OTA will be actively recruiting members to get involved. For now, learn more about ACTs, at www.oregon.gov/ odot/get-involved/pages/area_commissions.aspx. Advisory Committees “A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.”–Milton Berle ODOT has a long list of standing committees, 23 and counting meet on a regular basis. All committees are transportation related and they can certainly all try your patience, from the Freight Advisory Committee to the Tolling Equity and Mobility Advisory Committee. These advisory committees are open to public membership but are limited to members from different interest groups— bikes, peds, trucking, heavy haul, etc. In addition to standing committees, nearly every major road project in Oregon, at least those funded by the state, have Citizen or Community Advisory Committees that are put together specifically for the project at hand. These committees can often give birth to additional sub-committees. Due to the nature of these project committees, any number of non-transportation issues or ideas can crop up. Just look at the I-5 Rose Quarter project as an example—and as another reason for OTA members to get involved. Oregon’s trucking industry can Get Involved: Time for Trucking to Represent “Don’t just think about getting involved—act on it.”

7 Issue 2 | 2022 www.ortrucking.org influence local transportation projects from design to completion, but only if we’re an active participant in the discussion. Sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option for any of us. Get Involved Many of you may be hesitant to get involved. Maybe you think that these committees require too much time. Maybe you’re unsure of how to engage or what to say once you have a seat at the table. This is where OTA can help. Many of these committees require a minimal time commitment. ODOT welcomes membership from the community and trucking can’t be shy when it comes to getting involved. Other groups are more than happy to jump in to dictate where our dollars go—even when trucking is a top “investor” in Oregon roads. Trucks pay over 30% of all road taxes in Oregon, while only accounting for 14% of all the vehicle miles traveled. Oregon is the most expensive state to operate a truck in in the nation, at $30,410. Astoundingly, there is a significant gap between us and number two on the list—California— which has a much lower price tag of $23,030! With proposed regulations and projects that we see coming at us, that cost could go even higher. All these facts tell us one thing: OTA members, non-members, suppliers, and anyone that is tied to the trucking industry in general needs to get involved. As you can see, we have a lot of ground to cover and we need more ambassadors to represent trucking’s interests, whether it’s in your own backyard or around a state project that impacts how you operate. OTA can provide the conduit to set you up with different committees, provide key facts and information, and help you craft the message you present to committee members. OTA deals with ODOT on a daily basis and has a good working relationship from the top down. Granted, there will always be a few wildcards from other groups or the public, but trucking’s position is solid. We need your help to get our collective message out there. Don’t just think about getting involved—act on it. Making a minimal time commitment can have a huge payoff when ODOT and local communities get input from trucking—the primary payers and users of Oregon’s transportation system.

8 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Be Responsible on the Highways By Gregg Dal Ponte, OTA’s Director of Regulatory Compliance REGULATORY COMPLIANCE IT’S ALMOST AXIOMATIC that as traffic counts and congestion continually increase on our highways so does the need for vigilance and proactive behaviors while driving with an enhanced awareness for vulnerable drivers or workers on or near the road surface. The kind of heightened awareness I am suggesting requires more than a cavalier attitude of routineness and more of purposeful effort to go above and beyond in attentiveness and in actions to prevent the tragic incidence of death and injury. Too often we have all been witness to the news coverage of a law enforcement officer struck at the roadside during a vehicle stop, a highway worker killed or grievously injured while performing their assigned road maintenance tasks, or a tow truck driver or emergency responder falling victim to a careless or unprepared driver while attempting render aid to others in distress. A significant infusion of federal dollars into Oregon will soon translate into a considerable escalation of highway construction and maintenance activities. This increase in construction activity will naturally create an increase in the number of work zones cropping up all over the state and in the number of construction and maintenance workers exposed to highway traffic. Navigating these potentially dangerous situations will require a coordinated effort from the workers themselves, the traffic engineers that design the work zone itself, drivers of all vehicles on the roadway and law enforcement officers who patrol the work zones in an effort to weed out misperforming drivers. It might not be generally known that each year FHWA provides funding to ODOT to support Work Zone Law Enforcement grants to Oregon law enforcement agencies to provide Work Zone Law Enforcement on highway construction projects. ODOT staff and the proposed law enforcement agency identifies Region construction projects needing enhanced levels of work zone law enforcement. The law enforcement agency is either the Oregon State Police (OSP) and/or local law enforcement agency(s). During construction, ODOT identifies safe zones for the deployment of law enforcement to be present in projects, while still maintaining a visual presence to motorists. ODOT works with the Contractor and law enforcement during construction to identify locations within the construction corridor where violators can be safely stopped and subjected to enforcement. The federal funds provided are also used to consider speed management alternatives and supplements to enforcement. These may include reduced speed limits by provision of speed reader trailers, rumble strips, and other temporary traffic control devices. Funding is also available for public information campaigns. Safety managers should incorporate work zone safety awareness in driver safety training meetings. OTA and its regulatory partners are available to attend driver safety meetings and share this message with drivers. Do everything you can to ensure one of your trucks is not seen by all passersby sitting alongside the highway in a construction zone being attended to by an OSP trooper. The Oregon State Legislature has also done its part to contribute to highway safety. Sometimes it is unfortunately not enough to hope that everyone utilizes common sense and good judgment when encountering vulnerable users on the highway. Oregon Revised Statute 811.147 is commonly referred to as the Oregon “Move Over Law.” 811.147 Failure to maintain safe distance from motor vehicle penalty. ` 1. A person operating a motor vehicle commits the offense of failure to maintain a safe distance from a motor vehicle if the person approaches a motor vehicle that is stopped and is displaying required warning lights or hazard lights, or a person is indicating distress by using emergency flares or posting emergency signs, and the person operating the motor vehicle: (A) On a highway having two or more lanes for traffic in a single direction, fails to: (a) Make a lane change to a lane not adjacent to that of the stopped motor vehicle; or

9 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 (b) Reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a speed that is at least five miles per hour under the speed limit established in ORS 811.111 or a designated speed posted under ORS 810.180. (B) On a two directional, two-lane highway, fails to reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a speed that is at least five miles per hour under the speed limit established in ORS 811.111 or a designated speed posted under ORS 810.180. ` 2. A person is not in violation of the offense described in this section if the stopped motor vehicle is in a designated parking area. ` 3. The offense described in this section, failure to maintain a safe distance from a motor vehicle, is a Class B traffic violation. [2003 c.42 §2; 2009 c.198 §1; 2010 c.30 §17; 2017 c.305 §1] When you see a vehicle pulled over to the side of the road by police, or a vehicle being attended to by a tow truck, or any similar situation be prepared to take the steps outlined in this statute. Of course, in many instances being able to safely follow these directions will require an attentive driver looking ahead for any such situation in order to have adequate time to react by changing lanes or slowing as is appropriate. Failure to obey this law can cost drivers as much as $355 bail on a citation; however, the costs of not following this simple directive can be immensely greater when measured in terms of human life. From 2015 to 2019, 12 people were killed in Oregon while they were standing outside a disabled vehicle. According to the Emergency Responder Safety Institute, in 2019, 44 emergency responders were killed in the U.S. while working on roadway incidents, 14 of whom were tow truck operators. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health says from 2011 to 2016, 191 deaths were reported in the motor vehicle towing industry. That’s 43 deaths per 100,000 workers, which is 15 times more than all other U.S. private industries combined. “Tow truck drivers are usually the last ones on the scene after all the other emergency vehicles have left,” said Christian Gruber, a driver for Roseburg Towing. “So, there’s not much out there to protect us, and unfortunately the end result is that tow truck drivers end up getting killed more often.” Gruber says even a split-second distraction while driving could mean life or death for tow truck drivers. That brings us back to my prefacing comment, i.e. the kind of heightened awareness I am suggesting requires more than a cavalier attitude of routineness and more of purposeful effort to go above and beyond in attentiveness and in actions to prevent the tragic incidence of death and injury. OTA and its regulatory partners are available to attend driver safety meetings and share this message with drivers. Be purposeful in ensuring that you and your drivers are sharing the roads responsibly. Be safe out there.

10 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch EVENTS OTA Celebrates the Return of... The Oregon Truck Driving Championships AFTER TWO YEARS of canceled events due to COVID-19, OTA and the Safety Management Council (SMC) happily welcomed drivers back to the ultimate competition—the Oregon Truck Driving Championships. Drivers from around the state joined OTA at the Lane Events Center in Eugene on Saturday, June 11 for the successful, if somewhat soggy, return of the Oregon TDC. Family, friends and other supporters braved the wet weather to cheer on their favorite drivers and celebrate the essential work they safely do every day. At the end of the day, scores were tallied and winners were announced. We’d like to thank all our drivers for their participation in TDC’s return and recognize that they are some of the most skilled and safest drivers on the road. Grand Champion–Tim Melody (ABF Freight)

11 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 The TDC requires a lot of help to pull together. We’d like to thank all of the volunteers who assisted with judging and keeping the competition on track throughout the day, along with Joy Ferber who opened the competition with the National Anthem. We’d also like to thank this year’s sponsors and those companies that donated equipment. THANK YOU TDC SPONSORS Equipment Donors `ADM `FedEx Freight `FedEx Ground `Old Dominion `TP Trucking `Tradewinds Sponsors `American Barricade Co. `Bigfoot Beverages `Charlie’s Produce `Franz Bakery `Les Schwab `TEC Equipment BEST PRE–TRIP James Plaxco (Old Dominion) MONEY STOP James Plaxco (Old Dominion) and Jim Irey (Albertson’s) 2022 TDC Winners in Each Class THREE–AXLE Tim Melody, ABF Mark McNeal, FedEx Freight George Chavez, FedEx Freight FOUR–AXLE Daniel Shamrell, FedEx Freight Christopher Ware, FedEx Freight James Plaxco, Old Dominion FIVE–AXLE Juan Covarrubias, Tradewinds Justin Howell, Organically Grown Glenn Mahaffey, Tradewinds FLATBED Chris Outen, FedEx Freight Tom Smith, Albertsons Chad Jackson, FedEx Freight SLEEPER BERTH Kirby Ferber, FedEx Freight Paul Kershaw, WalMart Shawn Marks, WalMart STEP VAN Adam Elliott, FedEx Freight Christina Hinds, FedEx Ground STRAIGHT TRUCK Gurinder Dhaliwal, FedEx Freight Donald Morrow, Organically Grown TANKER Heladio Fernandez, FedEx Freight Donald Pfeiffer, Albertsons Michael Sanders, Old Dominion TWIN Ronald Zieser, FedEx Freight Mario Amatisto, ABF Adam Mueller, Old Dominion Winners in each class have the opportunity to represent Oregon at the National Truck Driving Championships in Indianapolis, IN, taking place August 16–19, 2022. `UPS `Walsh Trucking `Yellow

12 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch OTA Permits: Helping You Do More DOING MORE WITH less is a theme for many trucking companies these days. Employees are wearing more hats than ever before. Tasks are being reassigned to new workers or falling off the radar. While OTA may not be able to fix everything, we can certainly help you with one thing—Annual Over-Dimensional Truck Permits. The best part—it won’t cost you any extra! OTA is an authorized agent on behalf of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to issue Oregon Annual Continuous Operation Variance Permits (COVP). That means you can offload this task to OTA, with the peace of mind that you’re working with a knowledgeable team to get you what you need as quickly as possible. Plus, using OTA means you directly support the association. Most permits are issued the same day, whether it’s a new permit or a renewal. Just contact OTA Monday– Friday from 7am–5pm at permits@ ortrucking.org or 503.513.0005. Questions are always welcome.

13 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 OTA COUNCIL SMC and TMC will be taking the summer off, but meetings will resume in the fall—virtually and in-person! Please check our publications and event calendar www.ortrucking.org/events. Please contact OTA with any questions regarding TMC and SMC events: [email protected]. Safety Management Council (SMC) Update The Spring Safety Conference may be over, but SMC has stayed busy with the return of the Oregon Truck Driving Championships. The last event was held in 2019, but a two-year pandemic pause made ramping back up a bit of a challenge. OTA and SMC would like to thank everyone who helped pull the event together! Also, don’t miss the reveal of the Safety Grand Champion and the Fleet Professional of the Year at the 2022 OTA Annual Convention, August 16–17 in Bend. Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Update Due to busy schedules of our service technicians and fleet managers, TMC elected to delay the annual TMC Maintenance & Education Fair and the SuperTech Skills Competition. Instead of in May, these two events will now be held November 4 (TMC Fair) and November 5 (SuperTech) at the Pacific NW Truck Museum in Salem. Watch for more details!

14 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Taking the Lead... Workforce Development Boards By Christa Wendland, OTA Communications Consultant SELF-PROMOTION ISN’T EXACTLY trucking’s strong suit, often to its detriment. Trucking doesn’t often get top billing and is often taken for granted. All of this works against the industry when it comes to recruiting for any number of open positions, as well as developing the next generation of workers. A certain level of buzz came out of the pandemic and the supply chain issues, with more people recognizing how essential trucking is to everyday life. So, how can trucking build on this while building its ranks? Simple answer: Workforce Development Boards. What is a Workforce Board? The concept of workforce boards is to determine what industries or sectors to support, and then allocate appropriate funding to the local Worksource or Employment offices to help recruit and train a workforce to support those industries. Of course, who sits on these boards influences where funds are directed. Oregon is part of the workforce development system that is funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) which authorizes more than 550 local businessled workforce development boards that serve all fifty states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Territories to oversee workforce development services through a network of approximately 3,000 American Job Centers (also called One-Stop Career Centers). Oregon has nine local workforce areas throughout the state which are supported by local civic, business, and community leaders to strategize ways to best leverage funding and resources to build and support the workforce demands of their communities. A few OTA members have been involved in regional workforce

15 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 boards and have seen their value, but there’s definitely room for more involvement from the trucking industry. Andy Owens, A&M Transport CEO & OTA Board Chair, has served on the Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board since 2015. In a recent online article*, Andy was quoted as saying that, “Like with any volunteer position, you’re going to get out what you put into it; you can make it a full-time job or just make it a hobby.” Other OTA members currently serving on workforce boards include Michael Card, Combined Transport; Billy Dover, Tyree Oil; and Heather Zwald Taksdal, Zwald Transport. Local Area Boards ` Northwest Oregon Works ` Worksystems ` Clackamas Workforce Partnership ` Willamette Workforce Partnership ` Lane Workforce Partnership ` Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board ` Rogue Workforce Partnership ` East Cascades Works ` Eastern Oregon Workforce Board Visit https://www.oregon.gov/ workforceboard/about/pages/localworkforce-development-boards.aspx for more details. Joining a Workforce Board Appointments to the board are made by a recommendation from a community group, such as a Chamber of Commerce, and then approved through a county commissioner or its equivalent office. Anyone can get involved in a variety of capacities. By law, workforce boards must have a minimum of 51% private industry representation. At last count, trucking had representatives on three of Oregon’s nine boards, with others in the process of joining. Those already involved in the workforce boards are fairly optimistic about trucking’s role and are seeing value in making the investment of time and effort. It’s estimated that any given trucking company in Oregon has anywhere from 10% to 25% of its fleet working part time due to a lack of drivers. Cultivating new avenues of training and recruitment builds awareness that goes beyond the initial investment. If you’re interested in learning more about Oregon’s Workforce Development Boards and how you can get involved, send an email to [email protected]. *WATCH A VIDEO and read more of Andy’s interview with FreightWaves at https://www.freightwaves.com/news/thinklocal-industry-urged-to-join-workforcedevelopment-programs.

16 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Mr. Card... GOES TO WASHINGTON THIS PAST SPRING, Michael Card, President–Combined Transport, attended a White House event that promoted trucking and the supply chain. Mike, who is a past OTA chair and current chair of the OTA Image Committee, made his own lasting impression on Washington, D.C. While at the event, he was able to touch base with Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio and even photo-bomb Pres. Biden.

18 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Adjusting to a Changing Demographic: Age, Gender, & Expectations By Christa Wendland, OTA Communications Consultant THERE’S A LOT of talk these days about the major shift in America’s workforce, some of it is driven by the pandemic and some from an aging and changing workforce. The latter is especially true in the trucking industry and it’s not necessarily a new concept. The average age of an employed commercial truck driver is 48 years old. The most common ethnicity of commercial truck drivers is White (63.0%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (18.1%) and Black or African American (13.0%). When it comes to education, 32% of drivers have a high school diploma, 21% have an Associate degree and 20% have a Bachelors degree. So how can carriers use all this information and other demographic details, and why is it important to know these numbers? Simply put, a one-size-fits-all approach to recruiting, onboarding, training, and retention just won’t cut it these days. As much as some would like us to believe that we’re all one big homogenous group, potential employees all have different priorities. Acknowledging that, and understanding how to adapt, can give you an edge. Shrinking Gender Gap While there has been a significant increase in female drivers—now at 16%— men still make up 84% of drivers. There’s also a bit of a gender pay gap, with men making around $61,000 and women only $52,000, on average. Experts attribute this growth in female drivers (it was just 9.65% in the first quarter of 2021) to more female-friendly job options and ads directed at women. Carriers are increasingly using these tactics to add more women to their ranks. Age is Just a Number—Or is It? In the fourth quarter of 2021, 48% of people applying for truck driving jobs were under the age of 40. This means that they probably don’t have a fax machine (if they even know what it is) and live a lot of their lives in the digital world. Where you are posting your employment ads and how you are accepting applications could influence your field of applicants. Even if small fleets aren’t there yet, there is a growing need to recruit and onboard more drivers electronically. Add in the recent need to social distance and it becomes even more important to have online options in place. Location, Location, Location Where you operate and recruit from is also a key consideration. Companies hiring in the Southeast region get the highest number of driver applicants, followed by jobs advertised for positions in the Midwest and Southwest. Truck driving jobs are apparently less popular in the West and Northeast—so another challenge for Oregon carriers. This also goes back to the one-size-fits all approach and the need to change things up. If you’re recruiting in more than one region, understand that the same add may not resonate. Kids Today While it might seem a little early in the game, there is also value in taking a look at Generation Z—those who are 9–24 years old. While carriers might think they have plenty of time to cultivate this group, keep in mind that they are supposedly entrepreneurial and want a clear path into trucking, along with a map of how they can move up the ranks

19 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 throughout their career. Do you currently communicate the benefits of clean truck technology and how trucking can make a difference in the community and in people’s lives as part of your outreach and recruitment routines? If not, you may want to start thinking about it. Gen Z is pre-programmed to care about the environment and wants to make a difference in the world. Of course, some things are universal. Everyone agrees that higher pay, benefits—including paid time off—and more flexible route options all go a long way to recruit and keep top talent. Then again, maybe trucks will be fully autonomous and running themselves by the time the younger Gen Z crowd is old enough to get a CDL!

20 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch XPO Logistics’ OTA Carrier Member WHILE THE BULK of OTA membership is made up of member companies, it is the individuals at those companies who often have the biggest impact. This issue of the Dispatch focuses on all the ways that members—either companies or individuals—can get involved. That’s why we chose to highlight one individual who has been actively involved in OTA for many years and in many ways. Lanny Gower is currently the senior tax manager at XPO. At first glance, that may not sound very truck-like; however, those involved in the industry understand that (unfortunately) taxes are a big part of how a carrier operates. In this role, Lanny manages property, sales, operating tax, and vehicle taxes/fees. Lanny previously worked for Consolidated Freightway/ Con-Way before XPO purchased the company. Lanny works for all companies within XPO and has 10 employees working for him. With over 33 years in the trucking industry, Lanny has seen and done a lot. He became involved in the trucking industry because he wanted to do something he could be proud of. He started off working for the Oregon Department of Transportation, coordinating International Registration Plan (IRP) efforts. Even before his time at ODOT, he understood the key role that trucking plays in the overall economy. “My goal was to be part of an industry that had a tangible impact and actually built something,” commented Lanny, “Trucking is the common denominator that helps all industries build and deliver their products.” From ODOT, he joined Consolidated Freightway where he initially worked on a trailer plate project. Lanny was asked to leave his comfort zone during a 1986 strike at a then Con-Way service center in Pennsylvania. Administrative staff in LANNY GOWER Lanny Gower, Senior Tax Manager–XPO— The Rundown ` Thirty-three years in the trucking industry ` OTA Involvement: Past OTA Chair, member of the TruckPAC & Government Affairs Committees; currently serves as Secretary on OTA’s Board of Directors About XPO ` 8,000 trucks/25,000 employees ` LTL & general freight ` Four service centers in Oregon— Bend, Medford, Eugene & Portland By Christa Wendland, OTA Communications Consultant & Christine Logue, OTA VP of Operations

21 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 SELF-PROMOTION ISN’ Portland were sent to assist on-site for the two weeks the strike went on. During that time, he drove a forklift, gaining a different perspective on how things work. “Luckily, I like learning new things,” continues Lanny, “The trucking industry has never been boring and even at this point in my career, I have a variety of work that keeps things interesting.” Challenges and changes along the way have kept Lanny busy. Numerous regulatory changes, especially in the environmental realm, meant learning how they apply to the company and how to manage the impacts. Working for a “local business” that was absorbed by a national company required Lanny to adapt and grow professionally, as well. “Some people might see trucking as stuck in the past and inflexible when the exact opposite is true. The industry and the men and women who are part of it must be adaptable and flexible to survive in this ever-changing operating environment.” Lanny also has more words of wisdom to share. “Learn about the entire industry, not just your small piece of it.” He credits his involvement with OTA in getting to know the industry he’s worked in for 33 years. Lanny was first introduced to OTA when he joined Consolidated Freightway through someone who was serving on OTA’s board of directors. Lanny quickly saw the value in what OTA had to offer, seeing it as a conduit to work with state and other industry groups and legislators to make positive changes in the regulations that directly influence the trucking industry. Lanny took this initial introduction to OTA and ran with it, serving in a variety of capacities over the year, most notably as chair of the OTA board of directors. He also served on the TruckPAC and Government Affairs committees and is currently the OTA board secretary/treasurer.

22 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch Lanny has an extensive list of why members should become actively involved in OTA, among them are shaping the regulations and laws that govern the industry and having a direct connection to information on industry issues. He also sees the value in working with other businesses in the industry to develop solutions and address problems. “OTA gives us the chance to learn from others in similar situations, facing similar challenges,” explains Lanny, “You always have someone you can reach out to who will immediately understand what you’re talking about and it’s as easy as picking up the phone.” Lanny admits that he didn’t really understand the true value in membership with OTA or ATA until he became actively involved, but now appreciates the relationships he’s built and knowledge he’s gained. He’s attended several OTA conventions and has met a lot of people over the years. Lanny says it’s encouraging to see these local businesses continue to grow, with some now on the second or third generation. He recalls first meeting A&M Transport’s Andy Owens, Sr. at an event, then his son Andy Owens, Jr. and now his children are getting involved. “You have to respect the resources and time that people invest in the industry and in OTA and it’s been rewarding to see the results of those investments,” Lanny continues, “The trucking industry isn’t necessarily easy, but it is rewarding.” When it comes others getting involved in OTA, Lanny has a few suggestions. First, take advantage of the training and events that OTA offers. Get to know other members through these avenues and other gatherings. Then, as you learn more about everything that OTA does, find a committee of interest and participate. “Like a lot of other things in life, when it comes to OTA membership you get out what you put in,” concludes Lanny. OTA Carrier Member, cont. (Left to Right): Cassandra Marsh, Harley Freitas, Lanny Gower, and Jack Martin.

23 www.ortrucking.org Issue 2 | 2022 PAC TRUCK Bob Russell Golf Tournament July 19, 2022 Langdon Farms Aurora, OR ALMOST SOLD OUT!

24 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch advocated that there could be negative consequences to this regulation and was able to get an exemption for companies with five or fewer trucks. What to Know The two vehicle weight classifications categorized in HB 2007 include mediumduty with gross vehicle weight rating of 14,001–26,000 lbs. (such as certain box trucks, flatbed or service trucks) and heavy-duty with a gross vehicle weight rating of over 26,000 lbs. (such as tractortrailer trucks). Registration renewal and diesel vehicle exemption questions can be addressed by the Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services (DMV) or Oregon Commerce THE LEGISLATION KNOWN as HB 2007, passed in 2019, established deadlines, after which certain older model diesel engine vehicles cannot be titled or registered in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties. The first phase is now just months away. It becomes effective January 1, 2023, and includes vehicles equipped with a 1996 or older diesel engine. This means that mediumand heavy-duty vehicles with a 1996 or older diesel engine may continue to renew vehicle registration if they participate in the DEQ Retrofit Compliance Program (see https://www.oregon.gov/deq/ aq/programs/Pages/Diesel-RetrofitCompliance.aspx) and meet DEQapproved retrofit requirements. OTA Getting... (Retro)Fit By Gregg Dal Ponte, OTA Director of Regulatory Compliance and Compliance Division (CCD) based on the gross vehicle weight rating and linked below. The gross vehicle weight rating means the value specified by the manufacturer as the maximum design loaded weight of a vehicle. ` For questions about vehicle registration renewal or exemptions of mediumduty vehicles, contact the Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Division at 503.945.5000. ` For questions about heavy-duty vehicle registration renewal or exemptions of heavy-duty vehicles, email the Oregon Department of Commerce and Compliance at CCDHB2007Inquiries@ odot.state.or.us or call 503.378.6699. ACT NOW! 2022 DEQ CERTIFICATION