OTA Dispatch Issue 1, 2022

34 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch OTA COUNCIL Updates SMC and TMC will be taking the summer off, but meetings will resume in the fall—virtually and in-person! Please check our publications and event calendar www.ortrucking.org/events. Please contact OTA with any questions regarding TMC and SMC events: [email protected]. Safety Management Council (SMC) Update SMC monthly online meetings are back in 2022! With a focus on safety, HR and more, OTA’s Safety Management Council will bring insights and information from key speakers each month. These webinars are free to OTA members and $25/pp for non-members. Check the OTA Event Calendar for details and to register online— ortrucking.org/events. OTA’s SMC team is also gearing up to share their expertise with Dispatch readers. In each issue going forward, look for the SMC Q&A section. Have a question in mind? Send it to [email protected]. Check out the “Meet Your SMC!” article in this issue to become familiar with the experience and expertise behind the council. Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) Update TMC is getting ready to ramp back up in 2022. Pandemic-driven state restrictions put TMC’s frequent workshops and trainings on hiatus for the past few years. For technicians and fleet managers, getting up close and personal with new equipment and technology is a bit of challenge when everything is happening virtually. Look for more details soon! TMC is also preparing for the return of the SuperTech Skills Competition. While the location is still being firmed up, mark your calendars for both the TMC Maintenance & Education Fair on May 20, followed by SuperTech on May 21.