OTA Dispatch Issue 2, 2021
24 Oregon Trucking Associations, Inc. Oregon Truck Dispatch days after OR-OSHA’s “permanent” rule went into effect, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued updated mask guidance as it related to fully vaccinated individuals, stating that they would no longer need to wear masks indoors. The Oregon Health Authority and Gov. Brown followed suit, putting the responsibility on businesses to verify vaccination status of both employees and customers before allowing them to go mask-free. OR-OSHA later released a statement to update this portion of its rule to fall in line with the guidance from the CDC and OHA. Effective June 3, 2021, when employees are transported in a vehicle for work purposes, regardless of the travel distance or duration involved, employers must use the hierarchy of hazard controls to minimize employee exposures by either: (i) Considering, to the degree practical, eliminating the need for employees to share work vehicles and arranging for alternative means for employees to travel to work sites; or (ii) When employees share work vehicles, employers must ensure the following measures are taken: (I) When more than one person is in a vehicle, all occupants in the vehicle must wear a mask, face covering, or face shield unless all employees are wearing respirators in accordance with the Respiratory Protection Standard (29 CFR 1910.134); (II) Outside air must be increased (for example, by opening windows when weather conditions permit, by not recirculating cabin air, etc.); and (III) The separation of individuals in the vehicle must be maximized to the degree possible (for example, by the use of occupancy limits, by seating occupants in alternate seats, etc.). By June 3, 2021, all employers with more than 10 employees statewide and an existing HVAC system must certify in writing that they are operating that system in accordance with the rule, to the best of their knowledge. Although not required, such certifications can be made using the sample format provided by OR-OSHA. (i) The certification must be dated and must include the name of the individual making the certification; and (ii) Such certification records must be maintained as long as this rule is in effect. On a quarterly basis beginning no later than June 3, 2021, all employers must ensure the following: (i) All air filters are maintained and replaced as necessary to ensure the proper function of the ventilation system; and (ii) All intake ports that provide outside air to the HVAC system are cleaned, maintained, and cleared of any debris that may affect the function and performance of the ventilation system. The full text of the permanent rule is available at https://osha. oregon.gov/rules/making/pages/adopted.aspx . How long and how many of these newly identified guidelines will stay in place remains to be seen. Which safety procedures will become part of the new normal? Will carriers now keep a supply of PPE on the premises? Are temperature checks before entering here to stay? Just as much was unknown at the start of the pandemic, there’s still more to learn about what the post-pandemic world will look like. Impact on Safety, cont.
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