OTA Organic Report Fall 2022

Fall 2022 ORGANIC REPORT 40 Member Communities Trade Association Members Fight Fraud to Protect Organic What can you do to protect your business from organic fraud? The success of the organic sector relies entirely on consumer trust in the USDA organic seal. Supply chains compromised due to fraud can erode consumer trust in the integrity of the organic brand and hurt organic farmers everywhere. It is critical that every organic business has a system in place that will prevent fraud and support the promise of providing organic products that people can trust. If your business buys or sells organic products, now more than ever, you are at risk. Global supply chains are being disrupted, creating opportunities for fraud. The private sector is working together with USDA to secure the organic sector from criminal activity. Every stakeholder in the industry is responsible for maintaining organic integrity throughout their own business practices to maintain consumer trust in their brand and products. To further that expectation, the Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rule mandates that all USDA certified operations have an organic fraud prevention plan added to their organic system plan. Organic Trade Association has invested significant time and resources in developing a program that will help certified operations become compliant with the SOE rule. Organic Fraud Prevention Solutions provides businesses engaged in organic trade with a risk-based process for assessing vulnerabilities and putting mitigation measures in place to prevent organic fraud. Online Training and Program Guide A key component of the program is an online training course and supplemental program guide, which provides the framework for assessing vulnerabilities and implementing an organic fraud prevention plan. The course, “Developing an Organic Fraud Prevention Plan,” was created in partnership with the Michigan State University Food Fraud Initiative, and is offered through the Food Fraud Prevention Academy along with many other educational resources. USDA’s Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule will fundamentally transform the oversight and enforcement of organic production worldwide. Is your organic business ready? Organic Trade Association’s Organic Fraud Prevention Solutions program provides organic operations with practical tools to assess, monitor, and mitigate organic fraud risks within their organic supply chains. ENROLL NOW ota.com/OrganicFraudPrevention continues on page 43