2022 Oregon Long Term Care State Report www.ohca.com 10 Total number of caregivers trained 24,257 Total number of in-person and online classes 152,740 Caregivers Trained via Oregon Care Partners Oregon Care Partners Trainings Established in 2014 by the Oregon Legislature, Oregon Care Partners provides access to no-cost, high-quality trainings in all corners of the state. These trainings are offered in-person and online with timely, evidence-based curriculum, including Alzheimer’s and dementia care; medication management; challenging behaviors and communication; traumainformed care; diversity, equity, and inclusion in long term care; and specialized training on Alzheimer’s disease for public safety workers. From January 2021 to May 2022, 24,257 unique individual caregivers completed 152,740 Oregon Care Partners in-person and online classes and webinars.10 The COVID-19 pandemic required Oregon Care Partners to completely reimagine its curriculum delivery. All classes were conducted via webinar and online infection prevention training courses were developed in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS).