OHCA The Oregon Caregiver Fall Winter 2023

www.ohca.com FALL/WINTER 2023 The Oregon Caregiver 21 seems to collide. Many women simply drop out of the profession at that point. There are more options available now which help support women so they can move up the legal ranks. For example, more firms are open to women working reduced or flexible schedules in order to take advantage of their talent. Firms are also more open to promoting part time attorneys to partner/shareholder—that flexibility did not exist 20 years ago. How can women navigate power structures at work and build confidence over the years? Build friendships and relationships with mentors, colleagues, and clients. Those relationships are not only necessary to support you over time, but they simply make work and life more enjoyable. Doing good work over the years brings more good work your way and fosters confidence. Being the best at what you do will help you move through internal power structures. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Several things: (1) Be yourself. No one else can be a better you. (2) Your inner voice is never wrong. Trust your instincts. (3) If it was easy, everyone would do it. You can do hard things. (4) Provide your client with what they need to know, even if it may not be what they want to hear. (5) Listen more than you speak. You are more helpful and knowledgeable by listening and assessing first before you speak. What advice do you have for young women who want to be become leaders? Do not self-edit yourself from moving forward. Women tend to self-doubting and talk themselves out of applying for new jobs and promotions in a way that men don’t. If you see something you want to do, go do it. Don’t let self-doubt get in the way.  Lane Powell PC is an OHCA business partner and full-service regional law firm with a team of attorneys dedicated to the senior living and long term care industry. This article has been sponsored and provided by Lane Powell PC. SPONSORED CONTENT