OHCA The Oregon Caregiver Fall Winter 2023

www.ohca.com FALL/WINTER 2023 The Oregon Caregiver 19 Interview with the Women Leaders of Lane Powell Gabi Sanchez, Shareholder and Co-Chair of the Senior Living and Long Term Care Group In addition to co-chairing Lane Powell’s Senior Living and Long Term Care Group, Gabi Sanchez is also on the firm’s board of directors as well as the board of directors for the Oregon Health Care Association. Her favorite role at the firm is practicing law where she assists senior living and long term care providers with all manner of regulatory, compliance, risk management, licensing, and other legal issues. She also serves as outside general counsel for many clients. What do you know now that you wish you knew early on in your career? I wish I had been a better advocate for myself, had more confidence in my abilities and known it was okay to say ‘no’ and to wear better shoes! How can women navigate power structures at work and build confidence over the years? We just have to do it even if it is uncomfortable. Find allies and mentors who will help you work through those systems. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Surround yourself with people who will not only be your advocates but will also help you grow and help you improve even when it’s not easy. Who is your role model and why? I have two role models; the first is my parents. Both my mom and dad immigrated to this country and worked so hard and faced so many prejudices to give my sister and I a better life. I will forever be indebted to my parents. The second is Barb Duffy, the president of our firm. She’s one of the most amazing and selfless leaders I have ever met. She’s definitely a servant leader; she doesn’t shy away from problems, is an incredible advocate, and is tireless. I really admire her. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Advocate hard for others but also be an advocate for yourself. Don’t be afraid to take chances even if you’re afraid, and make sure you can stand on your own two feet. Don’t rely on someone else to take care of you. Lane Powell PC is one of Pacific Northwest’s oldest and longest running law firms. The Portland chapter has been a longtime OHCA business partner member and strong supporter. In this interview, three women from the Portland chapter share their backgrounds, leadership styles, and their journeys that propelled them to their current positions of influence. Carin Marney Gabi Sanchez Noelle Cooper CONTINUES » SPONSORED CONTENT