New Jersey Banker - Issue 3, 2024

chair’s platform Beyond Deposits and Loans: Community Banks, CRA, and the Power of ESG PATRICK L. RYAN, CHAIR, PRESIDENT/CEO, FIRST BANK In the heart of community banking lies a commitment to not only financial success, but also to the well-being of the neighborhoods it serves. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have become central in shaping the ethos of community banks, influencing their interactions with customers, employees, and the environment. Long before the term “ESG” became commonplace, community banks were quietly laying the foundation for sustainable and responsible investing. For over two centuries, they’ve woven themselves into the fabric of local communities, providing financial services and fostering economic growth while prioritizing environmental and social well-being. Today’s focus on reinvestment and sustainability isn’t a new trend for community banks; it’s a continuation of the core values and commitment that comes with building thriving communities for generations to come. Picture your local community bank as more than just a place to deposit your paycheck or get a loan. It’s a hub where relationships are built and also acts as the foundation for local economies to thrive. The Community Reinvestment Act, created in 1977, ensures that community banks actively support the growth of all segments of their communities, especially those that might otherwise be left behind. It’s about saying no to redlining and saying yes to inclusive economic development. But it doesn’t stop there. Community banks like First Bank are stepping up to the plate, championing causes that matter to their customers and the environment. From supporting affordable housing projects to investing in renewable energy initiatives, banks are making a tangible impact where it counts. And it’s not just about doing good—it’s also about doing well. By integrating ESG criteria into their operations, community banks are not only managing risks but also building trust and loyalty among their customers and communities. Walk into your local First Bank branch and see we’re not only talking the talk but also walking the walk when it comes to sustainability. You’ll find us reducing our carbon footprint by recycling and using energy-efficient bulbs and office equipment, promoting diversity and inclusion, and ensuring ethical business WALK INTO YOUR LOCAL FIRST BANK BRANCH AND SEE WE’RE NOT ONLY TALKING THE TALK BUT ALSO WALKING THE WALK WHEN IT COMES TO SUSTAINABILITY. YOU’LL FIND US REDUCING OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT BY RECYCLING AND USING ENERGY-EFFICIENT BULBS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT, PROMOTING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION, AND ENSURING ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES THROUGHOUT OUR OPERATIONS. IT’S ABOUT BEING TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE, SO YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE YOUR MONEY IS GOING AND THE POSITIVE IMPACT IT’S MAKING. practices throughout our operations. It’s about being transparent and accountable, so you know exactly where your money is going and the positive impact it’s making. Of course, there are challenges along the way. Community banks must juggle the demands of short-term financial goals with the longterm vision of sustainability. But with strong leadership and a genuine commitment to their communities, these banks are rising to the occasion. By embracing CSR and ESG principles, they’re not only safeguarding their future but also paving the way for a more inclusive and sustainable world. 5 chair’s platform