New Jersey Banker - Issue 3, 2024

CONTENTS What’s inside 10 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOANS: ARE THEY HERE? ARE THEY THERE? COULD THEY BE ANYWHERE? DEPARTMENTS 05 CHAIR’S PLATFORM In the heart of community banking lies a commitment to not only financial success, but also to the well-being of the neighborhoods it serves. 06 FROM THE NJBANKERS PRESIDENT’S OFFICE In recent years, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations have emerged as pivotal factors influencing the strategies and operations of businesses across various industries. 08 POLITICS AND POLICY As the United States grapples with significant economic and social challenges, the halls of Congress echo with the reverberations of political deadlock. 13 WELCOME NEW ASSOCIATE MEMBERS 16 MEET SOME OF OUR ENDORSED AND SELECT PROVIDERS 26 IN THE SPOTLIGHT: PHILANTHROPIC COMMITTEE ARTICLES 09 1 Million Meals Campaign 10 Community Development Loans: Are They Here? Are They There? Could They Be Anywhere? 12 NJBankers Emerging Leaders Network Trivia Night 14 The Role of AI in Compliance 18 NJBankers 118th Annual Conference and Exhibit Hall Featured Three Days of Education, Networking, and Some Time in the Sand 24 Building Tomorrow’s Bank Begins with Building Talent 25 Q&A with a Bank CEO 30 What to Expect and How to Navigate Medical Plan Increase 14 THE ROLE OF AI IN COMPLIANCE 18 NJBANKERS 118TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBIT HALL 28 BANK SHOTS 29 BANK NOTES 31 UPCOMING EVENTS 3