New Jersey Banker - Issue 2, 2024

CONTENTS What’s inside 10 NJ BANKS ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN 2024, BUT THE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK IS BEING CHALLENGED BY FISCAL POLICY AND LEGISLATION DEPARTMENTS 05 CHAIR’S PLATFORM One of our great advantages is the strength of the region in which we operate. By most measures, the economy (both local and national) continues to provide opportunities to the residents and businesses that call this great state home. 06 FROM THE NJBANKERS PRESIDENT’S OFFICE Our industry is strong and resilient. We will continue to tell this story and amplify it. 08 POLITICS AND POLICY As the backbone of the economy, the banking sector plays a pivotal role in ensuring financial stability and growth. Therefore, a careful examination of the proposed budget is imperative to gauge potential repercussions for our membership. 13 WELCOME NEW ASSOCIATE MEMBERS 16 MEET SOME OF OUR ENDORSED AND SELECT PROVIDERS 22 IN THE SPOTLIGHT: CFO COMMITTEE ARTICLES 09 One Million Meals Campaign 10 NJ Banks Are Open for Business in 2024, but Economic Outlook is Being Challenged by Fiscal Policy and Legislation 12 NJBankers Emerging Leaders Network Volunteer Day 14 The Depository Landscape has Changed. Have Your Plans Changed? 18 Hold On! Bank Loan Quality Doesn’t Align with Wall Street Metrics 21 Q&A with a Bank CEO 25 NJBankers Economic Leadership Forum Featured Key Topics and Speakers 30 Income Protection: Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset (Your Paycheck) 14 THE DEPOSITORY LANDSCAPE HAS CHANGED. HAVE YOUR PLANS CHANGED? 18 HOLD ON! BANK LOAN QUALITY DOESN’T ALIGN WITH WALL STREET METRICS 28 BANK SHOTS 29 BANK NOTES 31 UPCOMING EVENTS 3