New Jersey Banker - Issue 2, 2024

Hold on! Bank loan quality doesn’t align with Wall Street metrics DAVID RUFFIN, PRINCIPAL OF INTELLICREDIT, A DIVISION OF QWICKRATE WELL… AT LEAST NOT IN REAL TIME. I recently heard a senior lending officer proclaim, with obvious relief, “Looks like we’ve dodged the recession bullet. We’re refocusing on loan growth opportunities.” The Fed- orchestrated “soft landing” is, of course, what our industry desires, but history clearly warns that it can take years before the effects of macro events such as pandemics, rate shocks and rampant inflation actually show up in lower credit quality. Even as these triggering events subside or abate, the lesson is clear: we shouldn’t let our guard down yet. THE GOOD Despite weaknesses in specific sectors of the economy, overall job growth and unemployment have remained resilient in the face of perceived economic pressures. The inflation rate in December fell to 3.4% vs. 6.5% a year earlier, and the Federal Reserve has hinted at lowering interest rates soon in response. While current rates are moderate compared to standards set in the ‘70s and ‘80s, cutting interest rates will certainly be a boon for the nearly-decimated mortgage industry and other lenders. 18 feature