NDA Journal Summer 2023

Summer 23 www.nvda.org 21 and places underserved children with our generous volunteer dentists and specialists. We THANK all the volunteers who come to these events, and we especially thank TMCC for this partnership and the volunteer dentists who treat these qualified children in their offices for needed dental care pro-bono. On April 29 we saw: • 82 chlldren seen for screening, x-rays, fluoride, sealants, and exams. • 29 children were referred to TMCC DH program. • One Endo referral. • 30 children will be referred to our HSHC program providers for further treatment. • 10 doctors of dentistry volunteering including one oral surgeon. • Four UNR pre-dent students. • TMCC DA, DH and staff and teaching volunteers. Please watch for more event information this summer and continuing education opportunities as we will kick off our 2023/24 year this October. You can go to our website at www.nndental.org and watch for our electronic newsletters and other e-communication. Lastly, I want to do a BIG SHOUT OUT and thank you to our new Director of Member Services, Marianna Kacyra at the NDA. How fortunate we are to have her and what Marianna has done to retain and recruit members this year has been off the charts! Thank you, Marianna, for joining the NDA team and for your unparalleled devotion to the success of membership. You truly are a superstar.0