NDA Journal Spring 2023

NDA Journal 16 Featured Article Contact us today! www.llmpubs.com | 800-647-1511 Advertise to Support Your Association! Make your company stand out while supporting your association so they can change your industry for the better! • Speak to your entire association’s member base • Complimentary graphic design services • Modify an existing ad or have a new one created • Multi-publication discounts Grandt Mansfield 503-445-2226 [email protected] levels and defects and evaluated them against human skulls. They also evaluated the visualization of lamina dura, crater defects furcation involvements, contrast, and bone quality. In their study, they concluded that CBCT image measurements of periodontal bone level and defects were comparable to intraoral radiography. They also found that CBCT images verified more potential in the morphologic description of periodontal bone defects and conversely, the CCD images provided more bone details. Using a dry skull and by means of artificial defects evaluated by full-volume CBCT, Misch and colleagues9 found similar results. Their » References Kolsuz ME, Bagis N, Orhan K, Avsever H, Demiralp KO. Comparison of the influence of FOV sizes and different voxel resolutions for the assessment of periodontal defects. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2015; 44: 20150070. 10. Katsumata A, Hirukawa A, Okumura S, Naitoh M, Fujishita M, Ariji E, et al. Relationship between density variability and imaging volume size in cone-beam computerized tomographic scanning of the maxillofacial region: an in vitro study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: 420–5. doi:10.1016/j.tripleo.2008.05.049 Ludlow JB, Davies-Ludlow LE, Brooks SL, Howerton WB. Dosimetry of 3 CBCT devices for oral and maxillofacial radiology: CB Mercuray, NewTom 3G and i-CAT. DentomaxillofacRadiol 2006; 35: 219–26. doi: 10.1259/ dmfr/14340323 Ballrick JW, Palomo JM, Ruch E, Amberman BD, Hans MG. Image distortion and spatial resolution of a commercially available cone-beam computed tomography machine. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008; 134: 573–82. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2007.11.025 Da Silveira PF, Fontana MP, Oliveira HW, Vizzotto MB, Montagner F, Silveira HL, et al. CBCT-based volume of simulated root resorption— influence of FOV and voxel size. Int Endod J Oct 2014. Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/iej.12390 Hatcher DC. Operational principles for cone-beam computedtomography. J Am Dent Assoc 2010; 141: 3S–6S. doi: 10.14219/jada.archive.2010.0359 Mol A. Imaging methods in periodontology. Periodontol 2000;2004(34):34–8. Vandenberghe B, Jacobs R, Yang J. Diagnostic validity (or acuity) of 2D CCD versus 3D CBCT-images for assessing periodontal breakdown. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007;104:395–401. Misch KA, Yi ES, Sarment DP. Accuracy of cone beam computed tomography for periodontal defect measurements. J Periodontol 2006;77:1261–6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 investigation demonstrated that CBCT was as accurate as direct measurements using a periodontal probe and as reliable as radiographs for interproximal areas. While measuring the buccal and lingual defects, CBCT proved superior to conventional radiography. The major disadvantage of using CBCT is the radiation dose. Newer machines, have capacity to acquire the images with half of the rotation as compared to the full rotation that was used conventionally. (Fig. 3, 4) Till now, there is no research demonstrating the efficacy by using a smaller rotation arch, but this is the new area of investigation.0