Winter 22–23 3 Editor’s Message Daughter Ivy teaches surfing and paddleboarding on the North Shore of Oahu. I tagged along with her little group of students one day and decided to head a little further out, the waves looked fun and I needed the exercise. When Ivy saw me, she shouted: “Dad, no one goes out there!” Later she clarified that to no one “your age” goes out there. I think I know my 72-year-old capabilities as well as anyone, even certified surfer-girl Ivy. I readily admit I haven’t done tricky board stuff like she can though (Figures 3,4). with are content with my efforts and I’m having fun. Fight On! 0 However, if we consider the motivation of those that don’t love us, often their uninformed opinions can be dismissed out-of-hand. There are two kinds of people in the world when one really gets down to it: 1. Those that want to be left alone, and 2. Those that cannot leave other people alone. The 2’s are primarily motivated by power accumulation at the expense of others, and not at all by actually helping others. The answer for the many who ask the question about when doctors should retire is really pretty straightforward, and that is, absent circumstances such as Dunning-Kruger issues,5 when they feel like it. I have retired from a lot of things I used to do for a lot of reasons, but most often because I feel like it, not because I’m compelled to do so in any way. At times one may have to retire from one activity because one determines another activity is preferable. Holly and Ivy are only two of my nine kids, projects which have demanded a lot of time but which also return a lot of joy even as we dance with occasional disagreements. Only two, high school freshman Luke and 6th grader Brighton are still at home. They know I’m a little older than some of their contemporary’s dads but we’re good with that, I think. The other day when I picked Luke up from school he brought over a handful of friends and introduced me. Later I asked him what all that was about and he said: “I told them my dad was 70 and they wanted to see what you looked like.” Whatever Luke. By the way, with some fascination, but in terms of full-disclosure, it appears the Federal Government’s EEOC agrees with the opinions herein. Age discrimination is illegal.6 In the meantime, I’ll be happily fathering, skateboarding, operating, anesthetizing, and even writing for the NDAJ, as long as those I work When doctors should retire is really pretty straightforward, and that is, absent other circumstances such as Dunning-Kruger issues, when they feel like it. Figure 3, Ivy being crazy. Figure 4, Ivy being more crazy. References Wall Street Physician, Physician retirement Age: When Is The Right Time To Retire?, Jan 10, 2018, physician-retirement-age/. White Coat Investor, How to Retire Early as a Doctor, Dec 31, 2018, Advisory Board, When is it time for a doctor to retire? Here are 6 “red flags”, Oct 07, 2022, red-flags. Northern Star, When Should Doctors Retire?, 2022, https:// Orr D, Dunning-Kruger for Dentists, NDAJ 24:3, 2-3, Fall 2022. Ewing, S, EEOC Files Lawsuit Against Yale Hospital for Age Discrimination of Older clinicians, JDSUPRA, Jul 17 2020, legalnews/eeoc-files-lawsuit-against-yale-23140/, accessed DEC 12 2022. 1 2 3 4 5 6