NDA Journal Winter 2022-23

NDA Journal 18 NDA Executive Director’s Winter Message As we approach the end of 2022, we begin to reflect on the year and what we have accomplished and what is left to be done. As you can imagine, as an association representing organized dentistry here in Nevada, and having just completed the mid-term elections, we are staying very busy. As I reflect on our members, and those who volunteer their valuable time in support of our councils and committees, I also think about our relationship with the ADA, our dental societies, other state dental associations, and our vendor partners. It literally takes this entire group to support our mission and the vital role organized dentistry plays in the overall health of Nevada citizens. All you need to do is look at NDA’s leadership and how it is slowly becoming more diverse, attend a dinner meeting and look at all the new dentists in attendance, or watch the new relationships develop between us and with those setting policy in the state. We are moving forward while holding on to the values that got us here. Recent activities this Fall included a robust ADA House of Delegates where our delegation stood front and center, not only getting three of the 14th district resolutions passed, but having one of those resolutions sponsored by a brand-new delegate, Dr. Tina Brandon-Abbatangelo. Thanks to all our delegates; Drs. David White, Richard Dragon and Tina BrandonAbbatangelo, for their service in representing Nevada. Additionally, we have completed a first-ever online HPV Educational Series, sponsored events at the UNLV Dental School, and presented to HOSA—Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America, on careers in dentistry and oral healthcare. Nevada has also seen some changes in staff this year to include Ms. Marianna Kacyra, the NDA Director of Member Services, and more recently, Ms. Esther Johnson, the new Executive Director of the Southern Nevada Dental Society. I am thrilled to report that the NDA, NNDS, and SNDS have come together to collectively support the success of our combined efforts. Please be sure to say hello to both Ms. Kacyra and Ms. Johnson when you have a chance. Lastly, it is at this time of year when the NDA is reaching out seeking your continued membership. We keep your faith in the NDA paramount to what we do each and every day. We hope you will continue to support organized dentistry here in Nevada by renewing your membership with the ADA, NDA, and your local dental society. Watch for an announcement on Wellness Wednesdays in January, where we are bringing a new program just for members to support member health so that you can continue to support patient health through dentistry. I wish you all a very Happy Holiday season and a very Happy New Year! We keep your faith in the NDA paramount to what we do each and every day. We hope you will continue to support organized dentistry here in Nevada by renewing your membership with the ADA, NDA, and your local dental society. NDA Executive Director’s Message Michele M. Reeder 0