NDA Journal Winter 2022-23

NDA Journal 16 5. Arrange—Schedule follow-up contact, in person or by telephone, preferably within the first week after the quit date. Currently, the ADA supports a Tobacco-Free Kids coalition campaign for a proposed rule for tobacco product standards for menthol cigarettes and characterization flavors in cigars. Numerous national anti-vaping campaigns include the “Don’t Blow It” Anti-Vaping Campaign through Essentia Health (Essentia Health, 2022). Another campaign, “TobaccoFree Kids,” is an international group attempting to create awareness. The Federal Drug Agency has a “snarky and irreverent” poster campaign to shock the youth called “The Real Cost Campaign.” (FDA.gov) The FDA has included vaping in this campaign that began in 2014. The National Institute of Health (NIH) partners with the FDA for smokefree.gov and teen.smokefree.gov (NIH, 2022). Studies show that tobacco users have an increased chance of quitting with a combination of pharmacotherapy and counseling. (Pierce, 2018) The quitline is a resource for counseling that tobacco users can utilize. And it is an option for dentists in Nevada to provide this tobacco cessation information. There is still much work to be done, but with help from the ADA, the NDA, and our local dental societies, we can increase the use of the quitline as a resource for our patients. And we can collect the data needed to make sound decisions as we move forward to help our patients improve their oral health. 0 * Dr. Brandon Abbatangelo is the ADA Delegate for the NDA, an associate professor at the UNLV SDM, and currently enrolled in a MS Public Health program at UNLV. Featured Article References JADA Volume 153, Issue 1, P15-22, January 01, 2022, Investigation Cover Story. Smoking-cessation advice from dental care professionals and its association with smoking status. Analysis of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018. The ADA has the 5 A’s (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange) and two online courses for CE. “Tobacco Policy, Pharmacotherapy, and Dentistry” by Dr. Larry Williams. “E-cigarettes, and Vaping: Current Trends, Neurobiology, Cessation and the Role of the Dental Professional” by Nicholas Chadi, MD, MPH, and Neeta Chandwani, DDS, MscD. northernstar-online.com/when-should-doctors-retire/. Pierce, J. P. (2018). Helping smokers to quit. BMJ : British Medical Journal (Online), 361 doi:https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k2806. 1 2 3 »