NDA Journal Winter 2022-23

Winter 22–23 www.nvda.org 13 Featured Article The NDAJ would like to thank Dr. Riedel and the National Library of Medicine for allowing republication of this article. (Editor’s Note: NDAJ Readers will note from Dr. Riedel’s 2005 article that, as with other innovations in medicine, “vaccination” (the: “introduction of a substance that bestows immunity to a specific disease”) was highly controversial initially. Organized medicine in large part was against it for the usual reasons it is against anything new, ultimately its perceived loss of power. The same antagonism holds for politicians and lay citizenry that go along with government dicta. As the article relates, someone even threw a bomb into the home of an early doctor variolator. Fortunately, after the initial brouhaha, References Moore A, Insurance company finds triple-vaxxed more likely to get COVID than unvaxxed, Clark County Today.com. OCT 10, 2022, https://www. clarkcountytoday.com/news/insurance-company-finds-triple-vaxxed-morelikely-to-get-covid-than-unvaxxed/. 1 vaccination was accepted as a very good thing, and has been so for over 250 years. Tragically, September 01, 2021, politically correct CDC apparatchiks changed the definition of vaccination to something that simply stimulates the immune system, which a lot of substances and conditions do. Also, that stimulation can be good, or bad, as it now turns out to be with the experimental Covid formulations. The Covid formulations have now been proven to be neither safe nor effective, as recently documented by multiple life insurance carriers which have found that those whom submitted to the experimental pokes are more likely to die from all causes than those who did not 1…and we have not even begun to evaluate the longer-term complications. Many feel the CDC and its medical and lay supporters lost all credibility. Now if someone talks about a “vaccine,” terms must be very carefully defined. (Please see Figures 1. and 2.) An example of this is the recent HPV CE course offered via the NDA. One of the questions the presenters asked the dentist participants is how could an increase in the use of HPV vaccination in patients be effected. Unfortunately, that is more difficult than ever to do now after the CDC’s feckless definition change. Since more individuals now know of the CDC’s legerdemain with regard to the Covid not-a-vaccine (historically speaking), government supported “vaccines” and other therapies will be more untrusted than ever.) 0 Figure 1. 2022 CVS 15-plus Vaccines advertisement. Is CVS implying that Covid formulations are equivalent to historical vaccines? Figure 2. 2022 CVS Boost Your Immunity and get 2.00 Off advertisement. Is CVS designating these agents vaccines?