NDA Journal Summer 2022

NDA Journal 14 NDA Executive Director’s Message Michele M. Reeder NDA Executive Director’s Summer Message Seasons come and seasons go. It is at this time of year when we transition from our current NDA President, Dr. Ed De Andrade, to our incoming President, Dr. Jason Doucette. It has been my sincere pleasure to work with Dr. De Andrade while getting to know him better. Stepping into an association presidency is full of promise for the future mixed with leadership skills that can test the best leaders amongst us. This role is so important to the NDA and to organized dentistry here in Nevada. Thank you, Dr. De Andrade, for your leadership this past year! Organized dentistry continues to evolve across the U.S. and the NDA is no different. I am struck by the promise of UNLV dental students who move so fast and who seem so much smarter than I was at their age. Some in my generation may feel differently, but I believe firmly that this generation is intelligent in ways we just do not understand. Sure, they learn differently now and are afforded different practice modalities coming out of dental school, but if they focus on people and the medicine, combined with their skills, they could revolutionize dentistry. The NDA is desperately trying to negotiate this post-pandemic world to ensure dentists are protected to practice dentistry here in Nevada. One of the key benefits of membership is advocacy where your voice can be heard loudly both in Nevada and in Washington DC. Many say that advocacy benefits all dentists, being a member or not. While this may be true, without membership dues, our voice becomes diminished until we have no voice at all and no representation. This past March, the NDA held the 2023 NDA Legislative Strategy Session where, using your survey responses, NDA volunteers, leaders, and our lobby team Tri-Strategies, developed our legislative priorities and explored bill sponsors to ensure success. We will share the details with members once these priorities are finalized. Another benefit which we do not talk about often is peer review. This one benefit can pay for itself. It is not of matter of it, but when you will have a patient complaint that could cost you money, potentially impact your license to practice, or could result in a notation in your file with the dental board that raises your malpractice