NDA Journal Fall 2022

Fal l 2022 www.nvda.org 17 SNDS President’s Fall Message Ronald J. Laux, DDS​ SNDS President’s Message This is so much fun I thought I would do it twice. Let me explain. I wrote my president’s message for Fall 2022 and submitted it on time. A week later, our new Executive Director resigned after a very short stint in the position. So, it’s back to the drawing board, or in this case, keyboard. Boy, what a difference a few months makes. When I wrote my Spring 2022 president’s message, I was filled with a tremendous amount of anticipation for the upcoming year. I had hit the ground running in my presidency and had the whole term mapped out by mid-April, even though my term didn’t officially start until the end of April. Dates for board meetings, CE Café, and member meetings were in place. Goals for the year were set and I was optimistic the society was on the right path. Come the end of May and everything fell apart. Our executive director was fired for cause (we are unable to discuss in depth because of an ongoing police investigation) and it was discovered he didn’t really do any of the tasks I assigned him, or for that matter, much of anything else. The executive board was forced to divvy up the workload to keep the society running. Once things were sorted out (a major undertaking, believe me) we began the search for a new ED in July. After another round of interviews, we thought we had the right candidate chosen. Unfortunately, our new hire did not last long and we find ourselves in search of a new ED. In the meantime with help from the NDA and NNDS, we are moving forward. Trying to see the best in a bad situation, the whole experience has brought a closeness to the Board and the rest of the executive committee. Everyone has pitched in and done more than they had bargained for when they volunteered to be part of the SNDS. Be assured your leaders care about you, the profession, and the public we must protect. Proof that hard work pays off was seen by a very successful CE Café presentation by our own CE chairperson Dr. Sonal Shah. With only a few weeks of lead time, we were able to draw about 55 participants (probably a record for the CE Café series) for a highly relevant lecture on Oral Pathology lesions. Information gleaned could be used in your practice the next day. By the time you read this, we will have had our second CE Café lecture by Dr. Moni Ahmadian of the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. We hope to have at least one more lecture in the series in late September. Membership meetings for September, October, November, January, February, and March are planned. Please keep an eye out for notices via email and Facebook. I highly encourage your attendance at these meetings. We are working hard to have a lineup of quality clinical presenters and sponsors. Two CE credits are awarded and it is a good chance to socialize and keep up on current events in our profession. We strive to give value to your membership. Please take the time to ask a fellow dentist, member or non- member, to attend a meeting with you. I am hoping all will see the value of participation. Marianna Kacyra, the NDA Director of Member Services, was in the SNDS area in late August to work on membership renewals and contact with some of our members. Along with myself, we paid a visit to UNLV School of Dental Medicine to address the first year class during their orientation on the value of ADA membership. I am filled with hope for the future of the SNDS. We will survive the bumpy road we now find ourselves on. I have seen many volunteers go above and beyond. Communication with the NDA is better than ever. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at [email protected] or 702-772-6072. I am here to serve you. 0 Trying to see the best in a bad situation, the whole experience has brought a closeness to the board and the rest of the executive committee.