NCLM Southern City Volume 71, Issue 4, 2021-22

NCLM.ORG 13 Advocacy Update continues on page 14 How important to you are things like parks, greenways, and walkable neighborhoods when it comes to choosing where to live? VERY IMPORTANT SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 79 21 NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL NOT TOO IMPORTANT How important to you are things like scenic beauty and the preservation of trees and open spaces when it comes to choosing where to live? VERY IMPORTANT SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT 93 7 NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL NOT TOO IMPORTANT How closely do you follow development and growth—like the construction of new subdivisions, controversies over new building projects, or zoning changes—in the local news? VERY CLOSELY SOMEWHAT CLOSELY 69 31 NOT CLOSELY AT ALL NOT TOO CLOSELY In your opinion, who should have more control over policies that determine how growth proceeds in a city or town? CITY OR COUNTY GOVERNMENTS (77) STATE GOVERNMENT/STATE LEGISLATORS (8) NOT SURE (15) Thinking about home or subdivision development, do you think developers should be allowed to clear cut all trees as a subdivision is being constructed, or should they be required to preserve some trees? DEVELOPERS SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO PRESERVE SOME TREES (91) DEVELOPERS SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO CLEAR CUT ALL TREES (5) NOT SURE (4) Again, thinking about subdivision development, who do you think should make rules about tree removal and other aspects of construction that affect community character, appearance, and livability? CITY OR COUNTY GOVERNMENTS (77) STATE GOVERNMENT/STATE LEGISLATORS (10) NOT SURE (13) Increasingly, investor groups are buying homes in traditional residential neighborhoods in order to rent them on a weekly or other short-term basis through platforms like Airbnb. Do you believe that your city council or local government should regulate these rentals, or that they should have no role in doing so? LOCAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD REGULATE THESE RENTALS (59) LOCAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD HAVE NO ROLE IN REGULATING THESE RENTALS (29) NOT SURE (12) Again, thinking about short-term rental platforms like Airbnb, do you believe they should be regulated locally, by the state, or not at all? THEY SHOULD BE REGULATED LOCALLY (55) THEY SHOULD BE REGULATED BY THE STATE (17) THEY SHOULD NOT BE REGULATED AT ALL (19) NOT SURE (9) Thinking about the appearance of your community, do you believe the size and location of billboards should be regulated locally, by the state, or not at all? THEY SHOULD BE REGULATED LOCALLY (64) THEY SHOULD BE REGULATED BY THE STATE (20) THEY SHOULD NOT BE REGULATED AT ALL (8) NOT SURE (8)