November–December 2023 • Volume 48, Number 6 16 13 30 FEATURES 13 AI Enhances Service and Supports Growth Consider compliance, staff and member needs before implementation 16 SCOTUS Hears Case Against CFPB Constitutionality of funding and rulemaking authority questioned 18 Instant Payment Services as a Competitive Advantage Small businesses and some individual members may prefer real-time payments 30 A Bright Future Ahead COLUMNS 5 Conferences 6 From the Chair 8 Washington and Industry Briefs 10 The Bottom Line 22 Inside NAFCU Services 24 Management Insight 25 Executive Spotlight 26 Leadership Download 28 Compliance Central 18 The NAFCU Journal (ISSN 1043-7789) is published bimonthly every other month. Nov–Dec 2023, Volume 48, Number 6. Published by the National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions, 3138 10th Street N., Arlington, VA 22201-2149. Periodicals Postage Paid at Arlington, VA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The NAFCU Journal, NAFCU, 3138 10th Street N., Arlington, VA 22201-2149. The opinions and ideas appearing in this magazine are not necessarily representative of policies of NAFCU. Manuscripts and advertisements are welcome, although NAFCU reserves the right to edit manuscripts and refuse advertisements. Contact publisher for advertising information and rates. Appearance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement or guarantee of the advertiser’s claims. For subscription or advertising information, call 800-336-4644 or 703-522-4770. Email: [email protected]; website: ©2023 National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions, all rights reserved. 3 THE NAFCU JOURNAL November–December 2023