NAFCU Journal November December 2021

3 THE NAFCU JOURNAL November–December 2021 November–December 2021 • VOLUME 46, NUMBER 4 The NAFCU Journal (ISSN 1043-7789) is published bimonthly every other month. November–December 2021, Volume 46, Number 4. Published by the National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions, 3138 10th Street N., Arlington, VA 22201-2149. Periodicals Postage Paid at Arlington, VA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The NAFCU Journal, NAFCU, 3138 10th Street N., Arlington, VA 22201-2149. The opinions and ideas appearing in this magazine are not necessarily representative of policies of NAFCU. Manuscripts and advertisements are welcome, although NAFCU reserves the right to edit manuscripts and refuse advertisements. Contact publisher for advertising information and rates. Appearance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement or guarantee of the advertiser’s claims. For subscription or advertising information, call 800-336-4644 or 703-522-4770. Email:; website: ©2021 National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions, all rights reserved. The NAFCU Journal (ISSN 1043-7789) is published bimonthly every other month. November–December 2021, Volume 46, Number 4. Published by the National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions, 3138 10th Street N., Arlington, VA 22201-2149. Periodicals Postage Paid at Arli gton, VA, and at dditional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Journal, NAFCU, 3138 10th Street N., Arlington VA 22201-2149. The opinions and ideas appearing in this magazine are not necessarily representative of policies of NAFCU. Manuscripts and advertisements are welcome, although NAFCU reserves the right to edit manuscripts and refuse advertisements. Contact publisher for advertising information and rates. Appearance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement or guarantee of the advertiser’s claims. For subscription or advertising information, call 800-336-4644 or 703-522-4770. Email: ; website: . ©2021 National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions, all rights reserved. 18 12 FEATURES 12 Debunking Leadership Myths Two credit union CEOs share their thoughts on what it means to be an exceptional leader 18 Facilitating Transparency Between Regulators and Credit Unions Practice vigilance, stay up-to-date and act proactively 24 One-on-one with Congressional Credit Union Champions 30 NAFCU’s 2021 Accomplishments COLUMNS 5 Conferences 6 From the Chair 8 Washington and Industry Briefs 9 Meet NAFCU’s SVP 10 The Bottom Line 32 Inside NAFCU Services 36 Management Insight 40 Executive Spotlight 42 Leadership Download 44 Compliance Central 46 From the President’s Desk 24