GDA Action September 2024

Most people know me as the wife of the 2022 GDA President, Dr Zach Powell. But I also have a unique perspective on the business of dentistry. Zach and I have partnered in group dentistry for 25 years where I have supervised the business operations of three private dental groups. I have interviewed hundreds of potential employees and managed over 200 team members. As one of the largest recruiters in private dentistry for southeast Georgia, we currently staff 6 offices and oversee a workforce of 55 team members who serve patients in 10 counties. I have mentored under leading consultants in dentistry and traveled across the country studying the legalities, systems, processes, finances, and Human Resources of dentistry. My true passion in life is the business of patient-centered dentistry and I have dedicated my career to it, finding deep reward in cultivating and caring for the team members who make up this profession. Additionally, as the wife of a GDA President, I have also traveled the state, speaking with hundreds of dentists, dental auxiliary, and dental professionals including brokers, consultants, professors, and vendors. I ask lots of questions and love to listen to other people in dentistry tell their stories. Coupled with my career, this experience has given me a vast perspective on the dental workforce. So, it is not without deep contemplation that I write this letter. The future of private practice dentistry in our region of the state is in trouble. While finding associates for our region is incredibly challenging, there is a more serious and immediate problem - a dental hygienist workforce crisis is happening in Southeast Georgia, with only two hygiene Just prior to the GDA Convention on Jekyll Island, I had dinner with Zach Powell, Past-President of the GDA, and his wife Elizabeth. Elizabeth is also the Chief Operations Officer of his group practice and oversees staff recruitment and all things HR. After dinner, the subject of our current workforce shortage came up, mainly regarding the difficulty of finding hygienists and the soaring salaries they currently command. She is very passionate and has a long record in this realm. A Letter to the Editor offers an opportunity to write about a topic one feels passionate about, and I thought it would be instructive for Elizabeth to convey her concerns and potential remedies to the situation. This critical issue will have far-reaching effects on the viability of our profession well into the future, and I hope you will take time to read her thoughts. I’m very appreciative that she was willing to do this on relatively short notice. THE CHALLENGE OF Workforce Shortages DR. ERIK WELLS GDA Editor From the GDA Editor Written by Elizabeth Powell A Letter to the Editor 6 | Sept 2024