GDA Action September 2024

What do you value about your GDA membership? I highly value my GDA membership for its strong advocacy in maintaining the integrity of general dentists in private practice. This advocacy is crucial for preserving the autonomy and quality of care that general dentists offer to their patients. My GDA membership also provides access to a network of dedicated professionals, continuing education opportunities, and the latest industry updates. It supports my commitment to delivering high-quality care and staying informed about advancements in dentistry. What advice would you give to a dental student? Stay curious and keep learning— dentistry is always evolving. Developing strong communication skills, as building trust with patients is key. And remember, a gentle touch and a reassuring smile can make all the difference in patient care. Get involved with organized dentistry from the outset of your career. Engaging with professional associations and networks from the start not only helps you stay informed about industry developments and standards but also fosters valuable connections with colleagues. This early involvement provides a platform for continuous learning, mentorship opportunities, and a stronger voice in advocating for the profession’s best interests. What do you enjoy doing to decompress? I love spending quality time with my family and diving into my favorite hobbies. Whether it’s frequenting the pickleball courts, enjoying a round of golf, or hitting the slopes for some skiing, these activities help me unwind and recharge. They provide a great balance to the demands of work and keep me refreshed and motivated. Dr. Cheng’s family meeting the legendary Dr. Gordon J. Christensen after attending his lecture. Dr. Cheng often brings his kids to dental meetings and conferences to help introduce them to the wonderful world of dentistry! If you were on a plane right now, where would you be headed? Realistically, I would most likely be heading to another dental CE course, conference, or meeting. I am a huge dental CE junkie, and have taken courses around the nation, including courses through ADA and AGD, as well as from the dental greats like Spear, Pankey, Dawson, etc. I am a regular attendee of ADA’s annual SmileCon meeting, GDA’s Annual Convention & Expo, and the annual Hinman Meeting. If this trip were a family vacation, we would likely be heading to either the snowy peaks for an annual ski trip or the sunny shores for a relaxing weekend on the beach. Without saying “I am a dentist,” what would you say if someone asked you what you do for a living? “I fight plaque and rescue teeth in distress, kind of like a superhero for your smile!” Dr. Cheng and Dr. Chen with their kids and fur kids. | 51 Sept 2024