GDA Action September 2024

malicious email. And the healthcare industry is a primary target.  Mitigation: Educate employees about recognizing and avoiding phishing attempts through regular training sessions. Implement email filtering systems or secure HIPAA-compliant email to detect and block suspicious emails before they even reach the inbox. Utilize HIPAA-safe email that prevents unknown parties from emailing and spamming you directly. Cyberattacks can highlight the interconnected nature of digital healthcare systems. An attack on one component can have far-reaching consequences across an entire network, disrupting operations and compromising patient safety. Electronic prescribing, billing, and claims are specific examples. There are a lot of measures you can take to ensure the safety and security of your practice’s infrastructure and the sensitive data contained within. While no measure is foolproof, implementing risk mitigation efforts is required not just by law, but through your commitment to your patients, your team, and your practice. Check out endorsed partner iCoreConnect for ways to maximize security and improve workflow efficiency, including GDA-endorsed iCoreExchange secure HIPAA email. Book a demo at or call 888.810.7706. GDA members receive a member discount on iCoreExchange. | 39 Sept 2024