GDA Action September 2024

Member Product & Services The association has diversified its income streams, reducing the reliance on dues to 30% and achieving a strategic plan goal. 9.1% Growth in new business written 2024 GDIS Business Insurance Lines 9.3% Growth in total written premium GDA Plus+ Supplies (as of May 2024) New offices registered: 6 Total active users: 190 Total program members: 1,286 Total purchases: $485,687 GDA Health Plan Enrollment Comparison The GDA Health Plan has declined over the past five years as the costs of the plan have risen. The association is working diligently to find solutions that will attract younger members and their families. 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 1,113 1,120 1,116 974 833 688 Assets  S ince 2019, assets have grown from $3.7MM to $5.9MM – a 57% increase  D uring 2021, the organization diversified cash holdings into an investment portfolio  C ash and investment balances represent approximately 303 days worth of expenses at December 31, 2023 (compared to 222 days at December 31, 2019) 34 | Sept 2024