GDA Action September 2024

GDA FOUNDATION LAUNCHES Share a Smile Program The program is unique in that it is a community-based, dentist-driven initiative. Dentists nominate patients in their community, serve on the selection committee, and treat patients who live in their city or town, furthering the opportunity to establish a dental home. “The Share a Smile program provides an opportunity for dentists to give back to the community,” said GDA Foundation Managing Director Carol Galbreath. “Through donated dental care, this program aims to to alleviate pain, prevent serious health issues, restore smiles, and improve the quality of life for disadvantaged Georgians.” The program focuses on individuals who are unable to afford comprehensive and restorative dental care. This includes adult Medicaid recipients, low-income adults, special needs adults, children with no private insurance, and veterans who do not qualify for veteran benefits. Patients are nominated by dentists and selected for the program through an application process. Selected participants receive donated care by the nominating dentist. To offset donated care costs, the GDA Foundation assists with lab materials up to $1,000 per patient. In addition to the life-changing impact on patients, the program enables the GDA Foundation to collect valuable data on the need and capture the generous amount of donated dental care by Georgia dentists, which often goes unrecorded. The GDA Foundation is seeking volunteers for this program from all GDA districts. To volunteer, scan the QR code on the adjacent page. Your participation in the Share a Smile program will not only provide immediate relief to those in need but will also contribute to a healthier Georgia, one community at a time. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a meaningful difference. Share a Smile is the GDA Foundation’s new in-office donate dental care program. It was introduced in the Central District this year and will roll out statewide following the pilot program. Provides donated dental services Creates a dental home Educates patients on oral health The Share a Smile Program | 13 Sept 2024