GDA Action October 2021

MULTIPLE PLAN DESIGNS TO MEET YOUR NEEDS NO LOSS OF PLAN OR MID-YEAR INCREASES WITH GROUP COVERAGE NO HEALTH HISTORY COVERAGE LIMITATIONS PERSONAL, ATTENTIVE SERVICE AND NOW A HEALTH ADVOCATE Several GDA Group Health Plan options are available to meet your family's needs including a high-deductible health plan that qualifies for a health savings account. GDA Group Health plans provide stability and peace of mind with guaranteed rates and coverage for one year. It's unfortunate, but some members who left GDA's group health plan experienced mid-year premium increases or they had to switch carriers year after year due to individual plan cancellations. One GDA member tried to obtain health insurance on her own. She had to disclose that she had a procedure done while applying for the policy. Because the insurance company considered her a high-risk, she was denied coverage. Fortunately GDA Group Health Plans have no health history coverage limitations. The GDA has a dedicated team here to help you with any questions or concerns about your group health plan. Members now have access to Health Advocate, a claims and procedure service team, to ensure that you get the right information and assistance at the right time. For more information, call us at 770-395-0224 or visit 2022 GDA Group Health Plans COMING SOON See why members are making the switch!