12 CALIFORNIA LODGING NEWS www.calodging.com HEADER Introduction In response to recent well-publicized events of workplace violence in California, Governor Newsom signed a new law last Fall requiring most of California’s employers to establish, implement, and maintain a new written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan by July 1, 2024. The new law was modeled after 2017 Cal/OSHA Workplace Violence Prevention regulations for the healthcare industry. In response, CHLA has partnered with area employment law experts to provide members with a model plan and step-bystep instructions for creating the Plan and achieving compliance. Covered Employers / Workplaces The new law covers nearly all private employers in California unless they are already subject to Cal/OSHA’s existing rule for healthcare workers. Workplaces with fewer than 10 employees working at any given time that are not accessible to the public are also exempt if they have a compliant IIPP. Your Compliance To-Do List The law’s four basic requirements are: (i) creation of a written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan by July 1, 2024; (ii) maintenance of a workplace violence incident log akin to your Cal/OSHA incident log; (iii) employee training; and (iv) employer recordkeeping. The Plan The Plan must be specific to the workplace. It may be incorporated into an existing Injury & Illness Prevention Plan as a standalone section or maintained as a separate document altogether (similar to COVID-19 Prevention Plans). The Plan must be reviewed annually for effectiveness and then again when a deficiency is observed or after the occurrence of a workplace violence incident. At a minimum, the Plan must consist of the following ten (10) items: (i) the names of those responsible for the Plan’s implementation; (ii) employee participation in developing/ implementing the Plan; (iii) methods for coordinating implementation with other employers who may be present at the workplace; (iv) procedures for employers to receive and respond to reports of workplace violence; (v) procedures to ensure compliance with the Plan (e.g., rewarding compliance and punishing noncompliance); (vi) emergency response and communication protocols; (vii) workplace violence training information; (viii) procedures to identify WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION PLAN Deadline Approaching THE LAW’S FOUR BASIC REQUIREMENTS 1 Creation of a written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan by July 1, 2024 2 Maintenance of a workplace violence incident log akin to your Cal/OSHA incident log 3 Employee training 4 Employer recordkeeping REGULATION