Association Chat Magazine, Issue 1 2024

Let’s imagine you’re at the ASAE Annual Conference in Cleveland, rubbing elbows with the who’s who of the association world. You’re networking like a boss, but then comes the moment of truth—exchanging contact info. Do you whip out your fancy paper rectangle or flash your phone with a digital dazzler (aka digital business card)? TRADITIONAL VS. DIGITAL BUSINESS CARDS The Ultimate Showdown! So, What’s the Verdict? Here’s the situation: Why choose when you can have both? While I lean toward the ease of the traditional business card, I’m all about what works best! Keep a stash of traditional cards and have your digital version ready for those who hate paper. It’s a little bit like bringing a spork to a picnic—you’re ready for anything! (Although I’ve never in my life brought a spork to an event.) Remember, it’s not just about the card—it’s about the person behind it (that’s you!). What’s your brand? What’s your vibe? Whether you’re slinging paper or pixels, what matters most is the connection you make. So go forth, network like a boss, and may the best card win! So, what’s the story—are you Team Traditional or Team Digital? Or are you straddling the fence like a networking ninja? THE AWESOME Earth’s BFF: Save a tree, share a digital card. Captain Planet would be proud! Information Overload (in a good way): Links, videos, your cat’s Instagram—the sky’s the limit! Update on the Fly: Change jobs faster than you change your socks? No problem! Update in real-time. Interactive Magic: QR codes, direct dials, instant LinkedIn connections—it’s like your card is doing the networking for you! (THE NOT-SO-AWESOME) Tech Dependent: What if your new contact is rocking a flip phone from 2005? Awkward... Less Tactile Charm: Some folks just love the feel of paper. Can’t blame ‘em! Learning Curve: Not everyone’s a tech whiz. Prepare for some “How do I save this again?” moments. Wi-Fi Woes: No internet? Your fancy digital card might just be a pretty screen saver. THE AWESOME Tangible Realness: Nothing beats the satisfying *swoosh* of handing over a physical card. It’s like a mic drop for your contact info! Profesh AF: Pulling out a sleek card says, “I came prepared, and I mean business.” Instant Gratification: No fumbling with phones or apps. Just take it and go! Pimp My Card: Get creative with designs, textures, and finishes. Make it rain glitter if that’s your vibe! (THE NOT-SO-AWESOME) Space Invaders: Ever tried to cram your life story onto a 3.5 x 2-inch card? Yeah, good luck with that. Tree Hugger’s Nightmare: Mother Nature might give you the side-eye for all that paper waste. Now You See Me, Now You Don’t: These babies have a knack for playing hide-and-seek in jacket pockets. Stuck in Time: Got a promotion? Moved offices? Time to trash those old cards and start fresh! TRADITIONAL DIGITAL VS OLD SCHOOL COOL NEW KID ON THE BLOCK 9 Conference Tips