Association Chat Magazine, Issue 1 2024

4 Letter from the Editor Dear Association Chat Community, Welcome to the inaugural issue of Association Chat Magazine! This quarterly publication is a dream come true, a testament to the power of community, and the culmination of our shared passion for the association industry. I’m thrilled to share this first edition with you, packed with helpful advice, industry highlights, and news that will enrich your knowledge and inspire you whether you are reading this issue from your home office, in the airport, or the 2024 ASAE Annual Meeting in Cleveland. I hope everyone will subscribe (use the QR code below) for the digital or print edition. The next one will be published in November! As I reflect on the journey that brought us here, I am filled with gratitude for each person who has been a part of Association Chat since its beginning in 2009. Our community has grown and evolved, embracing new ideas and experiences along the way. I believe the best is yet to come! One of the most exciting recent additions was the creation of an experiential “mobile mastermind” bringing 35 association industry folks together for the Association Chat Road Trip to ASAE Annual. The dreaming, planning, and strategizing that went into making this an unforgettable journey was incredible! There were moments when I wasn’t certain if it would really happen—but thanks to the support of some collaborators close to me, we were able to bring this vision to reality! In this edition, we explore several key topics that are shaping our industry. Our feature on AI for Associations looks at how generative AI is revolutionizing our daily operations, enhancing productivity, and improving member experiences. This technology is a transformative tool that offers numerous possibilities for associations of all sizes. We also tackle an evergreen topic of interest for association executives: volunteer engagement. Learn about strategies to attract, retain, and recognize volunteers in a way that aligns with their personal and professional goals. Understanding these shifts is crucial for building a healthier leadership base and driving organizational growth. One of the most pressing issues we address in this issue is The Implications of SHRM’s Decision to Drop ‘Equity’ from DE&I. This decision has sent shockwaves through the HR community, prompting a critical discussion on how we, as association executives, should respond. Are we committed to addressing systemic disparities, or are we retreating from the uncomfortable work required to achieve true equity? This article’s topic, featured in a recent Association Chat Weekly Recap, investigates into the implications of SHRM’s recent controversial move and why it matters for associations. It also provides conversation starters to help you engage with your peers at the ASAE Annual Meeting and beyond. As you explore these pages, I hope you feel the same excitement and anticipation that we do. I hope this magazine is food for your heads and hearts, a collection of articles and visions of what might be. I see it as a celebration of our shared community and a resource to inspire! Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Here’s to many more editions of Association Chat Magazine and to the continued growth and success of our vibrant community. Warm regards, KiKi L’Italien Editor-In-Chief, Association Chat Magazine KiKi L’Italien Subscribe to the magazine!