Association Chat Magazine, Issue 1 2024

During a Conference Call... “Can everyone please mute their lines? I think I just heard someone’s dog joining the discussion on member retention strategies.” Planning Committee Meeting... “Can we add ‘surviving another Zoom call’ to our list of key performance indicators?” At a Membership Meeting... “Wait, so you’re telling me we actually have to read the bylaws?” During a Webinar... “Is it just me, or does every virtual background make it look like we’re hosting a meeting from inside a spaceship?” On the Way to ASAE Annual... ”If anyone needs a last-minute presentation, I’ve got a can-do attitude and a strong belief in improvisation.” In the Office... “I swear, if I hear the word ‘synergy’ one more time, I’m going to start a revolution. Or at least bring donuts to the next meeting.” At the Annual Conference... “Who knew that talking about compliance regulations could be this exciting? Or is it just the three cups of coffee I’ve had today?” Networking Event... “I joined this association for the professional development, but I stay for the free coffee and cookies.” These snippets reflect the humor and humanity that make working in associations both challenging and delightful. Keep an ear out for the next edition of “Overheard in Associations,” and who knows? You might just find your own words featured here. Got something hilarious or insightful you’ve overheard? Share it with us by submitting your news in this form ( ADciZFiXjo6) and you might see it in the next issue! OVERHEARD in Associations After a Board Meeting... “Next time, let’s just vote to have all votes be unanimous. It would save us an hour.” Lunch Break... “If associations had a dating profile, it would say: ‘Likes long meetings, short lunch breaks, and advocating for industry standards.’” Welcome to our newest column, “Overheard in Associations,” where we bring you the funniest, quirkiest, and most insightful snippets of conversations from the world of associations. Inspired by the popular “Overheard in New York,” this column captures the unique and sometimes unexpected moments that make our industry so special. Here are some gems we’ve overheard recently: !?#% Happy eavesdropping! 33