Association Chat Magazine, Issue 1 2024

30 Flock Around and Find Out Ready to turn your ‘what’s that?’ into ‘aha!’ moments one concept at a time? Whether you’ve been in the game for decades or you’re just starting out, we all encounter things that are a bit fuzzy around the edges. Flock Around and Find Out is an explainer series dedicated to unpacking the nitty-gritty of terms, ideas, and theories that threaten to trip us up on our leadership journey. What’s the Sitch? As the manager of a prestigious industry award program, I’ve been fielding complaints from members. There has always been some feedback, but ever since we modified our selection criteria to be more inclusive, the criticism about the credibility of some of our award recipients is at an all-time high. They argue that the individuals selected don’t consistently demonstrate the excellence the award is supposed to represent, and newer recipients have found themselves excluded by some of the previous winners. I feel like the reputation of our program is on the line, and maybe my job is too. Why is this happening?  Awards Agonizer Going Deep on Credibility Hey, Awards Agonizer, I feel your pain. Whether it’s a fellows program, grant award, or distinguished industry service prize, responding to feedback that questions the credibility of awardees while maintaining confidence in your association’s recognition program can feel like walking a tightrope. Let’s talk more about the concept of credibility. Here’s what you need to know: Credibility is often oversimplified as an objective, explicit matter of fact. Someone has it, or they don’t. But in truth, it is more complex. Research reveals that we subconsciously judge the credibility of others subjectively. Our conclusion is actually a mashup of perceptions about several related attributes. » Expertise: Do they really know their stuff or are they just winging it? Their depth of knowledge and objective achievements can tell us a lot. » Experience: How long have they been in the game and what have they faced? Their background and work experience can add depth to expertise that makes it more convincing. » Trustworthiness: Can you count on them to keep their promises and act ethically? Consistent ethical conduct can make us feel secure in their integrity. » Authenticity: Are they being real or putting on a show? Being straightforward, honest, and showing humility helps build trust and can make others feel more comfortable. » Communication Skills: Do they explain things in a way that makes sense? Clear and engaging talkers tend to win us over. » Confidence: Are they sure of themselves without being cocky? A steady hand can make us feel secure and confident in them too. » Consistency: Do they walk the walk as well as talk the talk? Reliable actions over time build a solid reputation. » Relatability: Can you see a bit of yourself in them? We naturally tend to trust folks who feel like “our people.” » Passion: Are they genuinely excited about their work? Enthusiasm is contagious and can make us believe in their commitment. » Reputation: What do other people say about them? Good word of mouth can boost their standing big time. » Appearance: Do they look the part? First impressions matter, and someone’s look also contributes to their presence long after they are out of sight. FLOCK AROUND AND FIND OUT By Rhonda Payne, CAE