Association Chat Magazine, Issue 1 2024

Thank You to All of Association Chat’s Sponsors! CONTENTS VOL. 1, ISS. 1 2024 MAGAZINE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF KiKi L’Italien PUBLISHING Big Red M 571-814-3443 Design & Layout Juliette Miratsky Advertising & Sponsorships ASSOCIATION CHAT PODCAST (available on) Apple Spotify Amazon Music LIKE/FOLLOW/ SUBSCRIBE @AssociationChat company/associationchat groups/associationchat2 Copyright © 2024 Association Chat. All rights reserved. This material may be reprinted only with the expressed written permission of Association Chat. 06 18 10 24 07 06| Essential Packing List for Multiday Conference Survival 07| Navigating the Expo Hall Like a Pro 09| Traditional vs. Digital Business Cards 10| ASAE Annual Meeting & Expo Speaking Spotlight 10 Exhibitor/Booth Listings 12 Exhibit Hall Map 16 the conference issue 04 Letter from the Editor 18 Transforming Conferences 20 Angel/Devil/Triangle 21 The Implications of SHRM’s Decision to Drop ‘Equity’ from DE&I 23 Adapting to the Modern Volunteer to Maximize Engagement 24 AI For Associations 25 Accessibility 26 Aligning Values with Venues 28 The Story Behind SoAP 30 Flock Around and Find Out 33 Overheard in Associations FEATURED ART ICLES