Association Chat Magazine, Issue 1 2024

26 SocialOffset If you are reading this, I’m 99.9% sure traveling is part of your work. Whether you work for an association, or a destination, or one of the many great companies that support conferences and association industries, you travel. My wife and I also travel for work. My wife, Beth Surmont, works for a company that supports associations while I work for an association. A few years ago, on a car ride, we talked about how we must sometimes travel to locations that don’t align with our values, and at times, the policies in the state may actively work against the people we are, the people we love, and values we try to uphold. We didn’t know how to reconcile this but then thought about the concept of carbon offsetting. We then came up with the concept of social offsetting and then created a non-profit, with the help of so many, called SocialOffset. So as we gather for the ASAE 2024 conference in Cleveland, Ohio, I ask you to consider how you can leave a positive impact on Cleveland. SocialOffset offers a unique opportunity for conference attendees to contribute to local charities, leaving Cleveland and Ohio better off than we all found it. By supporting one of the local charities vetted by SocialOffset, you can address the needs of the local community and bridge gaps between your values and the places we visit. Whether these values have to do with reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ equality, racial justice, environmental sustainability, hunger relief, or housing insecurity, you can find a match at So let me tell you more about SocialOffset. It serves three primary audiences, and chances are you belong to at least one, if not two, of these groups. The first audience consists of meeting planners who must organize events in locations where attendees' personal values may not align with the state's values. By partnering with SocialOffset, we help planners identify local charities that resonate with their attendees, providing a meaningful way to support the community. The second audience includes those who work for destinations that may prove problematic to planners and attendees. By collaborating with SocialOffset, these professionals can demonstrate their understanding of the complexities of their work and show a commitment to supporting local charities. The third audience is attendees themselves, who may find themselves in locations that do not align with their values. For these individuals, SocialOffset offers a simple, easy, and impactful way to make a difference. Even a small donation of $25 to a local charity can contribute to leaving the location better than it was before. In today's politically divisive climate, SocialOffset aims to reduce division and foster a better world. By engaging with local charities, we can show our support for the communities we visit and promote a sense of unity and purpose. So, as you eat, drink, and stay in Cleveland for ASAE 2024, consider giving to one of the local charities through SocialOffset. It is tax-deductible and will make a difference. Together, we can make a significant impact and help charities in Ohio make a difference. Elena Gerstmann is the co-founder and president of SocialOffset. With nearly 25 years of experience in the association space, she has served on staff teams for multiple organizations and is currently the Executive Director of INFORMS. Elena is a dedicated advocate for social justice, positive global impact, and the pivotal role of associations in delivering both. ALIGNING VALUES WITH VENUES By Elena Gerstmann THREE BASIC TENETS OF SOCIALOFFSET: Boycotts of locations aren’t effective. We must validate the feelings of discomfort and concern of our attendees/visitors. There are meaningful ways to make an impact. 1 2 3 THREE AUDIENCES OF SOCIALOFFSET: Meeting Planners. Destinations. Attendees and Exhibitors. 1 2 3