ABC-SEMI Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 1, 2024

8 Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. SEMCA PARTNERSHIPS Building Futures In a region known for its rich history of industry and innovation, the Southeast Michigan Construction Academy is taking steps to strengthen the landscape of the construction trades. Acknowledging the importance of diversity in the workforce, SEMCA has embarked on a mission to engage with various organizations, fostering collaboration to create a more representative and skilled construction industry. The construction trades have traditionally been male-dominated, lacking diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity and background. Recognizing the need for change, SEMCA actively seeks partnerships with organizations that share a commitment to promoting inclusivity within the construction industry. In order to grow the industry and meet workforce demands, it is necessary to be purposeful in attracting a more diverse population of candidates. “One key aspect of SEMCA’s engagement strategy involves collaboration with local K-12 schools who serve diverse and at-risk student populations. A new cohort of Mount Clemens High School students are now participating in an introduction to construction course under SEMCA’s accreditation,” mentioned director of education Marissa Downs. “Students have the unique ability to gain a basic understanding of construction concepts, content that they would Southeast Michigan Construction Academy’s Commitment to Reaching Diverse Populations Students from Cornerstone Schools in Detroit attend lift training session. not likely encounter otherwise. Students then have the option to use their portable NCCER credentials towards post- secondary programming at SEMCA, giving them a leg-up on future training. With SEMCA’s support, Mount Clemens’ construction trades program will continue to grow and impact more students.” Another notable strategy to help attract diverse individuals is the Alexander Gooden receives a scholarship from Paula Mrozek and Huntington Construction.