ABC-SEMI Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 1, 2023

Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 1 2023 15 LEADERS V I SI T ABC SEMI The summer of 2022, ABC Southeastern Michigan was an attractive association to visit heading into the November election. The association hosted the minority speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy. The congressman was joined by John James, Tom Barrett and Paul Junge, all of whom ran for seats in the House. The visit started with a tour of the Southeast Michigan Construction Academy to highlight the training programs offered by the association’s education affiliate. ABC president and CEO Keith Ledbetter gave an in-depth overview of the training facility and what students learn. (left to right) Paul Junge, JimStruble, Keith Ledbetter, Kevin McCarthy, John James, and TomBarrett engage in a tour of SEMCA Frank DiPonio (second to right) listens as Congressman McCarthy engages the audience with issues facing the construction industry Careers in Construction Big Focus in November Election ABC SEMI Connected Members to Influential Leaders in DC to Discuss Obstacles in the Industry