ABC-SEMI Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 4, 2022

Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 4 2022 11 Custom Welding Curriculum SEMCA students were greeted at the front door by director of education Marissa Downs and education services coordinator Kaylee Cohen. The two helped check students in, confirm their trade, and direct them to their classrooms. One of those students on Monday night was first year electrical student Macauley Cooper, who has been ready for the first day of school since his tour of the school in late June. “I am new to the electrical field, but I know I’ll learn so much over the next four years here as an apprentice, which I will bring to my work at MC Chesney Electric,” Cooper said. In total, 581 students enrolled for the fall semester at SEMCA with 223 of them being first year students. The school had a 24% increase of new students compared to fall 2021. “We’ve seen a steady increase year-to-year in enrollment, and I credit that to the increase of trade school exposure in high school and the push for young adults wanting a good-paying career without the debt,” said VP of education Deanna Morley. “Our mission is to build up that workforce; therefore, our programs are centered around having our students work in their field during the day so when they come to school at night, we’re building on their skills to get them back in the field at a higher skill level.” SEMCA winter enrollment will open in October. For ABC member companies interested in sending employees to train in welding, electrical, or heavy contruction, the online application and registration will be available on  SEMCA students are checked in on their first day of school. Fourth year electrical apprentices beingwelcomed by instructor Vince Cooley. First year students getting an introduction to construction. Electrical apprentice at O’Donnell Electric checks in for another year at SEMCA.