ABC-SEMI Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 1, 2022

4 Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. 50 YEAR CELEBR AT ION Associated Builders and Contractors was founded in 1950 when seven contractors gathered in Baltimore, MD to create an association based on the shared belief that construction projects should be awarded based on merit to the most qualified and responsible low bidders. The courage and dedication of those seven contractors—Charles Mullan, C.K. Wells, Jr., Philip Cloves, Ernest Shultz, Edward Colwill, Charles Knott, and Edward Dickinson—helped to quickly spread the merit shop philosophy, making ABC the fastest growing association in the United States. “Their story is not unlike the one that contractors across the nation and right here in southeast Michigan faced,” said ABC SEMI President and CEO Keith Ledbetter. That is why we have 69 chapters nationwide and three in Michigan alone. Our members were never looking for preferential treatment—just a level playing field to compete on. It is a fight that we continue to struggle with every day here at our chapter and one that our members know all too well. When these seven contractors came together in Baltimore to form ABC, their main goal was survival amidst the Building & Construction Trades Department’s efforts to limit opportunities to union-only companies. The group chartered its first four chapters in 1957 and had about 500 member companies. At the time, open shop contractors only represented about 15% of the U.S. construction workforce. Today, because of their efforts, ABC has 69 chapters with more than 22,000 members and open shop firms comprise 85.9% of the U.S. construction workforce. “ABC members stand up for their belief that projects should be awarded based on merit,” said ABC State Chairman Robert Clancy, owner of Robert Clancy Contracting. “Yet regulatory tactics and backroom political deals continue to threaten nonunion construction businesses. ABC is our ally so that no contractor has to deal with its problems alone, whether it’s recruiting and training craft professionals, improving safety performance, advancing local competition legislation, or educating other business owners that merit shop contractors are the preferred source of construction services.” On a national level and throughout the entire organization, ABC’s mission is to advance the merit shop construction philosophy and encourage open competition and a free enterprise approach that awards contracts based on merit alone. As we begin our yearlong celebration, we look forward to recognizing the efforts that our local chapter founders and members made to pave the way for our members of today. Association Celebrates Milestone Throughout 2022 Season ABC SEMI MARKS 50 YEARS AS A CHAPTER John Trimmer Charles Mullan