ABC-SEMI Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 1, 2022

Southeast Michigan Contractors Issue 1 2022 11 Industry demand for skilled labor continues to be at an all-time high in Michigan and with many current ABC SEMI contractor members scheduled to be busy working throughout the summer of 2022. Ledbetter is excited about the coming year and the role that ABC SEM will play in preparing our members to take full advantage of all the job referrals and opportunities to win work that will be available to them. “Long have we been satisfied with bringing in members and relying on our events, trade school, or workers compensation insurance to ensure their renewal, no longer,” said Ledbetter. “We are embarking on an ambitious member engagement initiative to create a more active ABC SEMI membership experience for both current and future contractor members. 50 years is an incredible milestone for this Association, but this is only the beginning.” Mickey Mortimer, ABC SEMI COO, receives the prestigious Mullan Award for best chapter in the region. DeWalt becomes chapter member at ABC SEMI. The Summit Company was recognized for excellent safety with the ABC Silver STEP Award. Women whoWeld class at SEMCA. Lunch and Learn event about credit card processing services through CardConnect was fun. Safety brief at Annual Trap Shoot event. Students build new Carpentry Center. >> continued from page 9