WVFA Mountain State Forestry Fall 2020

P R O J E C T L E A R N I N G T R E E www.wvfa.org Fall 2020 |  West Virginia Forestry Association Mountain State Forestry 23 Here are just a few examples of student action projects resulting from PLT GreenSchools Investigations. ENERGY Students install photo sensors and motion sensors to turn off lights when natural light is adequate or when rooms are not in use. They present data to recommend their school purchases energy-saving light bulbs, computers, and appliances with “Energy Star” labels. WASTE & RECYCLING Students compost cafeteria waste and cut down on disposables. They start recycling programs and organize Swap Days where students can bring items they no longer want to swap with other students. WATER Students check faucets, toilets, and water fountains for leaks to make sure water is not being wasted. They install rain barrels and create rain gardens. They add bioretention systems to filter out contaminants and sedimentation and control stormwater runoff. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Students advocate for chemical-free garden care and green cleaning products. They grow indoor plants to reduce carbon dioxide levels and establish “no idling” zones to improve air quality. SCHOOL SITE Students convert paved areas to green spaces, plant and care for trees, build outdoor classrooms, create school and community gardens, and start farm-to- school programs.