VAA Spring/Summer 2020
08 SPRING/SUMMER 2020 In July of 2019, Virginia Department of Transpor- tation (VDOT) Commis- sioner Stephen C. Brich, P.E., and Chief Deputy Commissioner Robert H. Cary, P.E., L.S., announced that Kevin Gregg had been selected as the agency’s new Chief of Maintenance and Operations. Gregg brought over 39 years of international, domestic, and state surface trans- portation expertise in both the public and pri- vate sectors, including 25 years with VDOT at vary- ing locations and levels. VAA→ As the Chief of Mainte- nance and Operations, you will be presented with challenges and opportunities. What do you see as the two or three biggest chal- lenges and opportunities facing VDOT and the transportation industry? GREGG→ A major challenge facing our industry is the safety of our employees and all workers out on the road. With the surge in distracted driving and the increase in work zones and night work across the Commonwealth, keeping all our folks safe is so important. Another challenge facing both our organizations is finding young folks interested in our industry and willing to put the time in to learn. VAA has done an excellent job with the VECAT program, and I believe this is paying big dividends for all in our industry. Last, but extremely important, is pavements with better ride quality, longer performance, longer life, and more sustainability, all at a lower cost to the taxpayer. One of the major opportunities that I’m excited about is data analytics. VDOT has massive amounts of data on file. Now, with better data gathering and organizing tools, our scientists can comb through this FIVEQUESTIONS FORKEVINGREGG VDOT’S Chief of Maintenance and Operations I saw this as an opportunity to make a difference in the organization I believe in, to influence change, to help chart the course for the future, and to begin building a bench of future leaders at VDOT. His primary responsibility is to provide strategic oversight of significant programs across the Commonwealth’s extensive roadway network, including asset manage- ment, traffic engineering, maintenance, operations, and land use. Virginia Asphalt Association sent Gregg five questions to give you, the reader, an inside view of his thoughts and motivations. VAA→ Over the last 10 years, you have served in various roles within VDOT and private industry. What attracted you to the Chief of Main- tenance and Operations position? GREGG→ I saw this as an opportunity to make a difference in the organization I believe in, to influence change, to help chart the course for the future, and to begin building a bench of future leaders at VDOT. This position also allowed me to continue the partnership with my good friend Bart Thrasher. With Bart as Chief Engineer, I knew we could continue to build on the partnership we started in the Richmond District, to share common ideas, to instill an agency-wide sense of urgency and purpose, and to build owner- ship and teamwork.
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