VAA Spring/Summer 2020
VAASPHALT.ORG 19 from two different plants in case issues developed at the primary plant. “Planning, effective communication, and experienced milling and paving crews were key factors in the successful execution of this project,” according to Jerry Short, W-L Construction & Paving President. He went on to say, “We approached this as a team by using everyone’s talents and experience. We also stretched ourselves by utilizing GPS in both milling and paving operations.” Who Will Be Next At MAAE, VAA President Trenton Clark spoke about the qualities of each paving category winner. All of the projects were unique, so attention needed to be paid to those attributes that separated one winner from another. After visiting all candidate projects for the Golden Lute winner and reviewing the project information submit- ted, VAA determined the work performed by W-L at Mountain Empire Airport was the top project of 2018. At the end of his presentation, Clark asked the ques- tion—“Who will be next?” Clearly, W-L has its eye on the prize. As Jerry Short noted, “It is an honor to be the first recipient of this prestigious award, but all the praise goes to the crews.” As the trophy will be inscribed with the many annual winners in the future, Short is already looking at next year by remarking, “I’m challenging the crews to continue the high-quality work because I would like to see our name on the trophy again.” It is an honor to be the first recipient of this prestigious award, but all the praise goes to the crews. I’m challenging the crews to continue the high-quality work because I would like to see our name on the trophy again. Jerry Short, President, W-L Construction & Paving MOUNTAIN EMPIRE AIRPORT
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