PRLA Winter 2019

4  • PENNSYLVANIA RESTAURANT & LODGING matters • Winter 2019 INDUSTRY OUTLOOK AS WE OPEN 2019, we also begin a new 2-year legislative session in Harrisburg. My friend and former Texas state legislator, Brian McCall, used to say, “The founding fathers of our great state in their wisdom designed a legislature that would meet for 140 days every two years. Many people think we would be better off if they met for two days every 140 years.” Though tongue-in-cheek, many political pundits view the time that the legislature is in session as one of potential peril. After all, in a typical session some 3,000 to 4,000 new pieces of legislation will be presented. Though likely less than 400 will become law, any one could make it more difficult for businesses and the people they employ. Personally, I like to view session as an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to work with legislators to help people. For example, Act 109, pushed by PRLA in 2018, ultimately will bring the state an estimated $24 million to promote tourism in Pennsylvania—which benefits every citizen of the state. It’s also an opportunity to act as a resource for legislators so legislation they craft does not have unintended consequences that hurt rather than help. PRLA is highly regarded as a resource in Harrisburg and I’m proud that our legislative team is routinely consulted in the drafting of legislation. Being open- minded, fair, and responsive gets us a seat at the table. As they like to say in Washington, “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” We’ll continue our popular legislative roundtables, where state legislators meet with members in their districts, in 2019. Last year, we saw tangible results from these sessions AND our members learned a lot about their representatives. We’ll also continue our support of legislators who help the industry, as well as work with the legislative new committee chairs and leaders so they understand the issues important to restaurants, hotels, and tourism. Lastly, I ask you to keep in mind that we can only be effective with your support. When our members take the time to come to Legislative Day in Harrisburg, attend a chapter roundtable, or otherwise meet with legislators, it positively impacts our relationships with elected officials. When you support the PAC (personal) or PRLA Advocacy Fund (company), it allows us to properly recognize our friends in the legislature and host important relationship-building events. While we often complain about our legislative system and our imperfect democracy, let’s be thankful that we have democracy and the freedom that accompanies it. Remember you can help to ensure that we are appropriately influential in the process. • John Longstreet A New Year–A New Legislative Session “While we often complain about our legislative system and our imperfect democracy, let’s be thankful that we have democracy and the freedom that accompanies it.”