PR&LA Summer 2018

12  • PENNSYLVANIA RESTAURANT & LODGING matters • Summer 2018 THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA is in the grips of an acute epidemic of drug abuse and drug- related overdoses. It is equally affecting every urban and rural area of our state and shows no signs of waning. In 2016, more than 4,627 Pennsylvanians died as a result of drug abuse, with thousands more affected by addiction either personally, or through family, friends, and loved ones. Sadly, from 2016–2017, Pennsylvania outpaced all other states by a 43.4 percent increase in overdose deaths from the previous year. By no means are businesses immune to this epidemic as 77 percent of our nation’s part- and full-time workforce is actively abusing drugs and alcohol on a regular basis. How are business owners to combat this pervasive reality without becoming a revolving door for employees who regularly misuse substances; then lose or quit their jobs due to frequent call outs, inadequate performance, and personal issues related to drugs and alcohol? The answer lies in education, education, education. To ensure your business’ stance on drug use and impairment on the job is current and sufficient, an employer or HR manager need look no further than the employee handbook. Does your facility currently have a drug free policy in place? If so, does it outline steps for reasonable suspicion, drug testing, grounds for termination, or an employee assistance program? If your HAWAII ALASKA WASHINGTON OREGON IDAHO MONTANA WYOMING UTAH NEVADA CALIFORNIA ARIZONA NEW MEXICO COLORADO KANSAS NEBRASKA SOUTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN IOWA ILLINOIS MISSOURI OKLAHOMA TEXAS ARKANSAS TENNESSEE KENTUCKY INDIANA OHIO WEST VIRGINIA VIRGINIA NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA FLORIDA ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI LOUISIANA PENNSYLVANIA MARYLAND NEW YORK MAINE NEW JERSEY DELAWARE MASSACHUSETTS NEW HAMPSHIRE VERMONT MASSACHUSETTS RHODE ISLAND MICHIGAN Pennsylvania Leads the States in Overdose Deaths Percent Change in Opioid Deaths (Year ending July 2016 vs Year Ending in July 207)  > 20% decrease  10–20% decrease  0–10% decrease  0–10% increase  10–20% increase  20–30% increase  30–40% increase  > 40% increase Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Map: State of Reform 2/22/18 (Recreated)